a = = t Place: : 1930-2130 Sessions: 6 Fee: $24 SPECIAL TOPICS IN JOURNAL WRITING (WOMEN) Use of dreams, fantasies, art, non- verbal ae etc. maby Central Sec. School Time: 1900-2130 Sessions: 4 Fee: $30 NOON HOUR FILM SERIES "Challenger: An industrial romance" ae film follows the development dair's totally new aircraft. Pron the Douglas ¢ College Libr collection. Time: 1200-1300 Fee: Free, Bring you lunch. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 4 The course includes individual computerized fitness assessment and diet analysis; a pers plan. Time: 1300-1500 Fee: $20 Sessions: 4 ‘Place: ‘MAD HATTER PAGE 12 ave EDUCATION SLIDE ‘SERIES MEXICO'S ANCIENT PAST a look at the ancient cultures of Mexico. Place: New Westminster Public Time: 1930-2100 Sessions: 1 Fee: $3 *Series: $10.00 Piscss Royal Colunbi n/Dougla Education Centre Time: 1800-2200 THE LATEST IN CAMERAS This workshop eer camer as and lenses to the confused con- sumer. *Fri. 0900-1730 Time: 1900-2200 Sessions: 1 Fee: $8 WEN DO: WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE ‘Specifically designed for women. Fs Place: New Westminster "Y" — Time: 0930-1130 Sessions: 7 Fee: se ADVANCED TA FOR WOMEN an ‘indepth study of Transactional sare epeOEY: Fee: $35 a.