MAD HATTER PAGE 3 Do You Want to Dance? Everyone talks about it..."it sure is important to have the employees get to know each other," or "wouldn't it be nice if someone organized a get-togeth- er?" ' Douglas College has a long history of its employees being a cohesive unit. They enjoy working and playing to- gether, despite the distances between the campuses. Still, the playing to- gether has fallen on hard times with the cancellation of the Christmas Dance. However, personnel's Leo Hungle be- lieves the time is right to organize a Valentines Day Rock n' Roll Dance and he is going out of his way to make ev- erything "just right." "T felt we should have some sort of get-together which would pull all the employees together at a resonable cost," Hungle said. "We wanted it to be a lot of fun, a sort of old fashioned sock hop effort." Hungle hopes the dance will help people in the College get to know each other better. "Tt may be the last time everyone can get together like this before the division of the College," Hungle pointed out. Reading Tips A Tip For Reading More Effectively How many times have you read something and subsequently found that you didn't gain a thing from the time spent? Sometimes it can be a whole chapter and other times a mere page or paragraph. The answer? An active mind generates a thinking mind. Ask yourself the follow- ing questions: 1. Am I responsible for understanding/ knowing this material? 2. If so, to what degree? 3. Can I read for main ideas - do I really have to know all the details? 4. Are there questions at the end of the chapter? (If so, read them first! Then the reading material will have more impact.) It will be an informal evening and Hungle promises you will enjoy it. FACULTY, STAFF & ADMINISTRATORS are all invited to the VALENTINES DAY ROCK N' ROLL OANCE Winslow Gym Saturday, February L4th 8:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. (light snack around midnight) Cost $5 per ticket Advance tickets required Contact Personnel for tickets CW. oe ay Le ios, O LXE ARCHIVES * ee ee ; Bees gi Re cieieme i 5. Dic my instructor give me any specific questions to be answered? Remember! Learn to read to satisfy a purpose. With that purnose in mind, motivation and interest will be caenerated. Comprehension is bound to be strengthened. ...Sherry Ladbrook FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE Charming older home in west Kits. Few blocks from beach and shops. Two plus bedrooms, stone fireplace in cedared living room. Sundeck, mountain view, double garage. Price: Under $200,000. Call Sharron or Mike: 872-8586 2977 West Sixth.