November 19, 2003 Culture ¢ the other press © Paint the Town Red (and Green) Amanda Aikman Culture Editor So the holiday season is upon us yet again. If you're like * me, youre probably wondering, “How c4n,I immerse . * . myself in some good clean family rai What, ” » “ - . can I, as a citizen of (or at least student ih) New r : Be ie gine , Westminster possibly do to fill my time as I eagerly Se a \ By ge countdown the days until Santa makesghis triumphant ! . . ep S. a RE: : ~ *- , a return?” Well, girls and boys, get out your calendars and . 5 ‘a | Pe . Ld a : a gather round, because as it turns out there are plenty of, a ae Ma opportunities to soak up a little cheer in the Royal City at this most iit time of year. ee ' » Be ae ‘ : - » ' f ; a Deck the Halls Party ve 4 pe ae ® 2 ‘ “ + Why restrict your amazing design talents to just your a a ms ial gt : own home? Bring the whole family out to help detorate ® e. - are om the Century House and show us what you got. Hang ig" oO fy o ie 7 : ’ om some holly, trim the tree, enjoy the er - ents, and a - o hey, if you're lucky you might find renee in some so By ¥ ieee s. of mistletoe situation. a on - ae Nov. 27. Century House, 620 Eighth St. ge. 3 . ba 4 # For more information call 604.519.1066 “ r . Tn oO ie hw Ke Kringle Kards & Krackers * & eta. a O 3 sed : If you've got kids ages 6-10, pack ’em into the minivan = . He and bring the little troublemakers down to Ifsten to —® j ch / some good ol’ fashioned Christmas stories 1d create . i C) some festive cards and crackers. If you pee ah probably turn to lives of drug abuse and rock music: You don’t want that now do you? $7 Registration fee# Dec. 6-7. Irving House, 302 Royal Ave. ae For more information call 604.527.4640 » Breakfast With Santa Ho-Ho-Hotcakes and sausages with the big 1 him- self. Kickback and enjoy the festive entertaffiment, and don’t forget to get your personal phéto witht, Mr, $5.50 per person. Dec. 7. Queensbourough Community Ce Ewen Ave. For more information call 604.525.7388 Christmas Dinners Whar’s that you say? You like to eat “and? youre lazy? Well, have I got the event for you. Tygréitig@nal bali) meal served up alongside entertaiiffffent, by the Map: Pi o n? Leaf Singers. Happy hour and sodgiflysgijre de this g of = Oy & a of . “feastival.” $17 for non members. Dec. 11. Century House . For more information call 604.519.1066 i. h we Ay , a S's — Family Christmas Projects rs ae eis is How many times can you sit at hi Or efit he a i repeats anyway? Why not gather it old school with a little quality § 2 one comes with refreshments too, so What's now Scrooge? $14 per family (maximum of & Dec. 11. Centennial Community Centre, 65 Base Ave. For more information call 604.777.5100 Victorian Christmas Tea Put away the Mountain Dew and pork rinds for one day and make like you're civilized. Tea, traditional holiday treats, and musical entertainment await you in the charming Victorian setting of the “Grandmother’s Room.” Book now, this event fills up fast. Dec. 13-14. Irving House For more information call 604.527.4640 «© Page 21 aes