FEAT. 5 6 ET October 22, 2003 Please don't forget the 50/50 draw in which the DJ took home $45 bucks. I was yelling “fix, fix,” but then I e the other press © o 24-hour Speech Marathon 5 Kin in Action I would like to take this time to reflect on last week’s pub night. I think it was great. Lots of people showed up but sadly lots of people came and filled up plates with food Opinions and left. I am going to come right out and say that is real- cf ly rude. Not even a thank you? Not even some quick con- 6 Bathroom Graffiti—a lost art form? versation? Not even a cheap drink? Tsk, tsk, shame on you. 6 Islam: the Myth of Evil The night surely was fun and you can see Amanda's take 7 Right Hook on the ee sees glasses in the sours 7 Editorial Cartoon section of this issue. I wo’ e to bring attention to the : notable events that took place that she on to mention: 8 American Attacks on Freedom of the Press *First, there was the tainted pool tournament where 8 Dougimun some girls were accused of throwing a ball into a pocket of 9 Justin and Ronald...True Love Forever the table as they walked by. This was a huge upset. Pool is 9 New Rules a Joke for “New” Drivers serious stuff. Never mess with people with big sticks and wee have been drinking since four. Culture Two guys decided that Sean Paul was boring them and ; kicked it freestyle. One guy did the beats and one guy did 10 The Other Press/DSU Pub Night the singing and rapping. Thanks goodness they were good 12 What’s On Around Town because there was a whole plate of tomatoes I would have 12 School of Rock encouraged pep fo ae But a the girls were 13 A Tale of Two Sisters swooning and shakin’ their booties aplenty. : z Whe de bak slpecting tages, EE ecidelly we 13 Ghoulishly Good—The Canterville Ghost led by the guys who were freestyling. I am a strong believ- 13 Kill Bill: Volume 1 er that it really just isn't a party until someone break 13 This Week in History dances. The whole thing was very Save the Last Dance. | was the white girl on the side-lines. Features 14-15 Behind the Bite From The Editor Contents 2 Mailbag News 4 Flu Shots on Campus 4 Haida Ancestors Return Home 4 Stars Use Internet Auction to Help Animals! 5 The Coquitlam Family of Kin (Kinettes and Kinsmen) realized that I am the Editor and would probably be 16 The Dark and Dusty blamed for the fix and then yelled, “fix us up with some music DJ.” Another mention on the DJ is that he brought Sports eee ae on ya buddy. You rock the party that_ | 47 — Royals Slap Around the Lakers on Thanksgiving rocks the party. *The bhangra team never missed a beat. I know they Weekend . really aren't a team but shouldn't they be? They have the 17 Holiday Weekend Results Put Douglas in Good heart and soul. They danced to every bhangra song and Standing every song that had a bhangra beat incorporated. The guy a7 Rotten Rattlers Reap Exhibition Win with the white hat and sunglasses walked by me and said, | 48 — Capilano Tournament Relatively Successful eee Oe ce Weekend Without the In-laws A funny thing is when my friend said, “Let’s go listen , to the band.” I said the band isn’t playing that’s the DJ and 19 Flash’s Take she gave me a credulous “really”? Yes, my friend. Our budget was not great enough to have Eminem come and 19 Classifieds sing live. What a silly girl she is. But Eminem if you are reading this, if you could swing by for the next pub night it’s free Subway for you and your crew...and definitely some free tanning minutes. Boy is white like you wouldn't believe. So I hereby deem the event as a success. Thanks to $ 1 oOo Oo F F everyone who came out and supported the Other Press ANY FOOT- a ANY FOOT. and the DSU. I know there are some people out there who LONG Buy Any Regular Foot Long Sandwich LONG actually came for good conversation, sadly none of those SUB And Receive $1.00 Off The Regular Price, SUB people talked to me. It must have been the German out- 74.-Gth Sirect Or 0.50¢ From Regular 6” Sandwich. _Limit: One coupon per fit. Wait, I wasn’t wearing one. New Weelreirater customer per visit. Happy midterms to one and to all. (0n front of Douglas College) ‘The Place Whore Fresh Ts The Taste Not valid with any Managing Editor, Kerry Evans Tel: 522-7823 AT tty [= Va yoinihers sg Fax: $17-8795 4 meal deals. The Other Press Submission Guidelines The weekly deadline for submissions is Kerry Evans at: editor@otherpress.ca Wednesday at noon for publication the — All other submissions should be for- cee ag ae Kelly-parry@telus.net ; following Wednesday. Letters to the warded to the appropriate section editor Spee pan Shsstice opintonsubmit@hotmail.com Editor, vacant sections, and “time sensi- below. Please include your name, phone Culture Amanda Aikman submit_to_culture@yahoo.ca tive” articles (weekend news or sports number/email address, the word count, Features Barbara K. Adamski —_opfeatures@netscape.net and cultural reviews) will be accepted and submit via email as an MS Word.doc Sports nt Gordon dcsportseditor@yahoo.ca until Saturday midnight and can be sub- attachment to the attention of the appro- David : 5 . 3 awit : 3 4 avid Lam | Munir Amlani opstuff@amlani.ca mitted to the editor via email: priate editor. Representative http://www.otherpress.ca e Page 3