DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES APPEARANCE AND COMFORT OF SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT ee eee = Behaviour and academic attainment tended to be better when the school was clean and tidy, with attractive pictures and Plants. ic They found that schools which displayed a lot of the students’ work on the classroom walls had better academic outcomes. This could influence the students in several ways: a) by stressing the academic side of school b) by encouraging students to work well and rewarding them by displaying their wark c) by making the school more visually attractive = They found an inverse relationship between the amount of pupils’ work and other materials displayed and the amount of graffiti observed in the building. = The school should be physically secure and provide an adequate environment. The question would not be "Why is the window broken?", but, "How long has the window been broken?" This is a reflection that those in charge care. = Differences in outcome were not due to such physical factors as the size of the school, the age of the building, or the Space available. It was entirely possible for schools toa obtain good autcomes in spite of initially having rather unpromising and unprepossessing school premises. = Feaple work and behave better when they are well looked after and feel that these in charge understand and respond to their personal needs. = Access to telephone, availability of refreshments, and being allowed in the building during breaks were important. + A school that is clean and in good decorative condition Provides & positive model.