EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES (in house) DOUGLAS COLLEGE requires Full-time & part-time session- al faculty to teach Nursing courses in the Human Service Worker-—Mental Retardation Prog., Subject areas include: Normalization-Basic Human Needs- Nursing Process-Assisting with nursing care of the multiply- handicapped person in an in- stitutional setting. 1.Full-time position - to teach Nursing theory, Lab & Clinical courses. 2. Part-time position- to teach Nursing Lab & Clinical courses (24 days a week) 3. Part-time position- Clinical Nursing courses (2 days/week) Qualifications 1l.Baccalaureate degree in Nursing. Masters degree in Nursing or Education preferred. 2. Recent nursing experience in the field of the multiply-hand- icapped/mental retardation. 3. Experience in clinical & classroom teaching. 4. Currently registered with the R.N.A.B.C. or R.P.N.A.B.C. Term of employment: April 28 - July 17, 1981. Closing date - March 13,1981 Please submit applications & resume to: Douglas College, Personnel Dept., New West., Competition # 81-656 APPLICATIONS DEADLINE The deadline for submitting applications to the Director positions has been extended to noon, Friday, March 13/81 MAD HATTER PAGE 4 EVENTS DOUGLAS COLLEGE READING SERIES Here is an update of scheduled poetry readings, in the Douglas College free Reading Series, in which some of Canada's best writers are participating. Four Douglas College poets, Ulrich Schaffer, Leona Gom, John Levin, and Florence McNeil, will give readings on Mon. March 23, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 710 on the New Westminster Campus. Also on the New Westminster campus will be Dorothy Livesay, Thurs, Mar. 12 in Room N706 at 4:00 p.m. and Tom Wayman, Mon., Mar. 23 at 10 a.m. in Room N710. Aritha van Herk will hold a reading on Surrey campus, on Tues., Mar. 31 at 7:00 p.m. in room S102. March ll, Linda Wikene Johnson will be at the Richmond campus in Room R325 at 7:00 p.m. Tom Wayman will give two readings on March 23, the one previously mentioned at New Westminster, then at 2:00 p.m. in Room L4 at the Langley Campus. SUPPER-FILM PRESENTATION-DISCUSSION All three on one night for only $5.90 FIIM: "SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO SUFFER" GUEST SPEAKER: JIM SELLERS DATE: MARCH,14 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: CEDAR HALL, 128th ST, & 96th AVE, SURREY. ADMISSION: $5.00(children under 12 FREE) SPONSORED BY: SURREY ALTERNATIVE MOVEMENT For further information call: 596-9738 or 596-1355. DINNER/DANCE In honor of Mr. Len Whiteley's retirement. At Douglas College, Coquitlam Campus. 6:30 pm - 1:00 am Dinner - 7:30 pm $15 per person Tickets on sale at the music department, N.W. Campus or from Henry Waack 939-2098. No tickets sold after March 20.