STANDARDS FOR THE USE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE* For all standardized tests, the quality of administration of those tests has ‘major effects on the reaction of the persons tested. Administration requires control so that good testing practice will always apply. Therefore, it is recommended that the administration of standardized tests should be done only through the centralized Student Services Division and its resources, except in specific instances when some other arrangement is agreed upon to insure that good testing practices will be followed. A test user, for the purposes of these standards, is one who chooses tests, interprets scores, or makes decisions based on test scores. He/she is not necessarily the person who administers the test following standard instructions or who does routine scoring. 1. A test user should have a general knowledge of measurement principles and the limitations of test interpretations, particularly when the test user has the responsibility for decisions about individuals or policies that are based on test results. 2. A test user should know his/her own qualifications and how well they match the qualifications required for the uses of specific tests. A test user may refer to test levels A, B and C of the American Psychological Association. 3. Test users within the college should make every effort to insure that all those in the college who are‘charged with responsibilities related to test use and interpretation (e.g. test administrators) have received training appropriate to those responsibilities. 4, A test user should seek to avoid bias in test selection, administration, and interpretation; he/she should try to avoid even the appearance of dis- criminatory practice. 5. A test user is expected to follow carefully the standardized procedures described in the manual for administering a test and to establish conditions consistent with the principle of standardization, that enable each examinee to do his best. 6. College test users should establish procedures for periodic internal review of specific tests and test use. 7. The test user shares with the test developer or distributor a responsibility for maintaining test security. 8. The choice of tests, development of tests, test batteries, or other assess- ment procedures should be based on clearly formulated written goals and hypotheses. These clearly formulated goals may provide evaluative criteria and assist in communicating that evaluation to other qualified persons. 9. If specific cutting scores are to be used as a basis for decision, a test user should have a rationale, justification, or explanation of the cutting scores adopted. COME ds. sete: