July 2004 Pg 12 Continued: TOP REASONS TO LIVE IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 1. Even though more people live on Vancouver Island, you still got the big new bridge. 2. You can walk across the province in half an hour. 3. You were probably once an extra on “Road to Avonlea.” 4. This is where all those tiny red potatoes come from. 5. The economy is based on fish, potatoes, and CBC TV shows. 6. Tourists arrive, see the “Anne of Green Gables” house, then prompt- ly leave. 7. It doesn’t matter to you if Quebec separates. 8. You don’t share a border with the Americans, or with anyone for that matter. 9. You can confuse ships by turning your porch lights on and off at night. TOP REASONS TO LIVE IN NEWFOUNDLAND 1. If Quebee separates, you will float off to sea. 2. In the rare case when someone _ moves to the Rock, you can make them kiss dead cod. 3. The economy is based on fish, — seafood, and fish-related products. 4. If you do something stupid, you have a built-in excuse. 5. You and only you understand the meaning of Great Big Sea’s lyrics. 6. The workday is about two hours _ long. — 7. You are credited with many great inventions, like the solar-powered. flashlight and the screen door for submarines. 8. It is socially acceptable to wear your hip waders on your wedding day. _ . Wilson You Know You’re Canadian if... (From that fabulous Information Superhighway we like to call “The Internet”) You have memorized the Heritage Foundation’s Heritage Moments, including your favourites, “Burnt Toast!,” “You know I canna read a word...” and “Kanata.” You dismiss all beers under 6 percent as “for children and the elderly.” You spend hours in the dark making scale models of the Avro Arrow and cursing the Diefenbaker government. You cried when Gus “drowned” on Road To Avontea. . You watch MuchMusic constantly, in the hopes of occasional fleeting glimpses of Joel Plaskett. You think there isn’t enough Queen on our currency. You send angry letters to the CBC demanding the return of the Hinterland Who’s Who spots so you can finally find out what happens to the arctic ptarmigan in winter. You stood in line for hours for Another Roadside Attraction tickets. You know the names of all the guys in Sloan. You have been on Speaker’s Corner. Bonus points if The Devil’s Advocates made fun of you. You know the French equivalents of “free,” “prize,” and “no sugar added,” thanks to your extensive education in bilin- gual cereal packaging. You can eat more than one maple sugar candy without feeling nauseated. You had a crush on Joey Jeremiah from Degrassi Junior High. You actually watch The Gemini Awards, The Genie Awards, and The Juno Awards. You're proud that Captain Kirk came from Montreal. You wished that Relic’s boat would get crushed to bits by one of those logs. You're not offended by the term “HOMO MILK.” You understand the phrase “Could you pass me a serviette, I just dropped my pou- - tine on the chesterfield.” You know that a Mickey and 2-4s mean, “party at the camp, eh!!!” You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers. You know that Casey and Finnegan were not part of a Celtic musical group. You know what a touque is. You understand the Labatt Blue commer- cials. You know how to pronounce and spell “Saskatchewan.” You perk up when you hear the theme song from Hockey Night in Canada. You can drink legally while still a teenag- et. You're not sure if the leader of your nation has EVER had sex and you really don’t want to know if he has! You know that the Friendly Giant isn’t a vegetable product line. You don’t have a Canadian passport, but you still have your Expo 86 Passport some- where. Every time you’re out in a boat on the coast you either sing “Allouette” or whistle the theme song from Danger Bay. You frequently clean grease off your bar- becue so the bears won’t prowl on your deck. In a restaurant, you’ve apologized for not being ready to order at the waiter’s conven- ience. You wait for the light to change before crossing a deserted intersection at 3am. You say “Hi!” to anyone walking a dog. You’ve ever been hypnotized by the “Log Driver’s Waltz.” ~ You understand the Red Green show, you think Mike Bullard is charming, and you adore Celine Dion. Wait a minute, no you don’t. You’ve got a spot in the closet for free Molson Canadian t-shirts from cases of beer. You’ve defended your property from tres- passers with a lacrosse stick because you don’t own a gun. You’ve spent a summer tree planting. You’ve seen Crash, FUBAR, Last Night, Hard Core Lago, and The Red Violin. Strangers that you overhear doing Kids in the Hall impressions quickly become bosom buddies. The theme song from The Littlest Hobo still gets you a little misty-eyed. OtherPress | | 3