—= ANOS did = PNGEr Oden -_The Best ef 26064 —__[_~_- | Amanda Aikman, Managing Editor Another year has come and gone. It seems like just yesterday I was “conveniently” misdating my cheques for 2003 in order to buy some time with my many creditor friends, and s to switch to 2004 already—where does the time go? But before we jump, guns blazing, headfirst into 2005 (metaphorically speaking of course, my days of impulsive firearm-beari behind me), we would do well to remember where we came from. And so, if you will, take a few moments and join me as I revisit the year 2004, in a little something I like to call “The (Clever title, isn’t it?) Best Warte of llednerday Nights: Tuning in weekly to find out who was “still in the running to becoming Americas Next Top Model.” Best Way te Anney/ Bore Friends and Loved Ones with Your Unabarhed Nerdiness: Enthusiastically and excessively quoting from the best-selling grammar bible, Eats, Shoots and Leaves. Best drawing ef a Liger Ca mythieal half—loen/half—tiger ereature): Naturally, that honour goes to Napolean Dynamite. Lucky! Best Five Nights of Martin Tielli Stalking / Spotting: October 19-24, during the Rheostatics’ five-night mini Green Sprouts Music Week at the Media Club in Vancouver. Best Shot of Jude Law's Hair in a Motion Pieture: During the scene in C/oser when Law’s character is engaged in a heavy discussion about infidelity with Julia Roberts’ character. Oh, wait, that doesn’t exactly narrow it down, does it? It’s the one when they’re in the bar at the opera house. Best Use of a Death Gab for Gutie Song in @ommereial fer the 26064 Olympies The Runaway # wl British Bestseller a I [ = 3 ‘ re Well, okay that was kind of a trick category; after all there’s only one that I know of. The song was “‘Transatlanticism” rat ;, Shoots and the commercial was for Bell Canada. & ‘Leaves Best Douglas College Pub Night Performance: The boys from Rock’n definitely take the cake on this one. (Oh, if only they had. Taken the cake, I mean. Perhaps then less of it would have ended up on the carpet and on the face of Other Press Sports’ Editor Darren Paterson.) Best Way te Spend Six Bueks* and One Hour and 56 Minutes: Watching the brilliant and hilarious new Wes Anderson film, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. (*Tinseltown, weekday initial matinee price.) The Zero Tolerance Best Siteem on Ameriean Netwerk Televisrien Approach " Punctuation Lexelud The J; - of sel: e Arrested Development on FOX. This show is so funny, it’s a wonder it hasn’t been cancelled yet. LYNNE TRUSS f : With 2 Foreword by Frank McCourt, ae Best @elebrity Wedding: Britney Spears and Star Jones. To their respective grooms, not to each other. Although...if it had been to each other that would have been way better. Best Long—Awaited Yet Suspieiously Under—rated Album frem a Reelurive Pep—Murie leen: Smile, by Brian Wilson Best Way te Spend there Future Shep er ABB Sound Gift Certifieater your Seeret Santa gave you fer GChrirtmas: The Office DVD collection. Hands down, one of the funniest British television series ever created. This set includes both seasons, as well as a follow-up holiday special. Best Way te Preeiitate Sueides: Handing out lethal doses of cyanide at a screening of Christmas With the Kranks. Best Venue in whieh te Resurreet your Pent—Up Male Aggression, Spandex Pants, and; a ral Aquanet Hairspray: A Motley Criie concert. They've reunited! Lock up your daughters (and your grandmothers, for that matter). " Rirsncsa mE : DINO ESN SES TS DATTA OS a SE RI TITS SUE SSNS TY SELL LION 10 | OuneFPPeSS January = 12/8008