DOUGLAS COLLECE LIBRARY JS Mad Hatte -A Douglas College atter | e- Monday, November 19, 1979 FILM BOOKINGS FOR 1980 Please be advised that the deadline for Spring Semester bookings is November 30. Requests should be submitted as soon as possible to insure that films are available for required dates. Forms are available at all A.V. Service outlets and should be sent to Linda Fosti, A.V. Services, N.W. Thank you. eee. sbinee Fosti A.B.E. ASSOCIATION The Adult Basic Education Association of British Columbia had its first General Meeting on May 31, 1979. The purposes of the Association are: To maintain and improve the quality of Adult Basic Education throughout the Province of British Columbia and to foster communication among those engaged in the practice of Adult Basic Education. Member- ship is open to all persons engaged in, or interested in the practice of Adult Basic Education. Hopefully, the A.B.E. Association will generate awareness of A.B.E. throughout B.C. It will be a wide-based organization representing everyone in the field. It will advocate the concerns of students and workers in A.B.E. to government and other institutions. If you are in, or interested in the A.B.E. field, this concerns you. Please join! For application forms, please contact Geoff Dean, A.B.E. Instructor. APPLICATIONS FOR EDUCATIONAL LEAVE Although the new faculty contract states that the deadline for applica- -tion for educational leave is December 1, 1979, because of the delay in ratifying the contract the deadline has been extended to January 15, 1980. -...-Dorothy Jones ~