i page 2 relative, or mother might scoff at. This June 22nd Single Parents are sponsoring a Big Brothers Benefit bene: Five yeers ago Marie Kelmack, a single parent, founded the Annual Project. She knew that more Big Brothers were needed, and it takes funds end help to put out advertising. She knew what having a Big Brother has done for her son, and wanted to help other children. Healthy minds and healthy bodies are the aim of the eleven Single Parent clubs that dot the lower mainland from Langley to Vancouver. Will you help them gein their desire to see more boys living full lives contri- . buting to society rather than taking from it? ; The Big Brothers of B, ยข. Benefit Dance is being held at St. Mary's Hall, 5251 Joyce Road. Tickets are $3.00 in advence, and $3.50 at the door. Bar opens at 8 o'clock. Dancing starts at 9 tol A. M. Ted Peck will be there in person to present the first prize, an all day fishing trip for two with Ted Peck. The famous Black Velvet Show Bend, recording artists, will play agein by popular demand. So many boys have to wait a yeer or two or more and the months slip by, until those times where the need was greatest leave a boy short chenged in more waysthan one. The need is now. Yours Sincerely Nora. Se ieee Dora Senders ds Publicity Chairman