eptember 20, 1993 mday - Friday 9am - 8pm; Saturday and Sunday 12pm - 6pm. WESTMINSTER ACTION CENTRE AND FOOD NK 525-9628 1 - 6th Street, New Westminster bd distribution every Wednesday from 10 am to 3 pm. New regis- ions are not taken Wednesdays. WESTMINSTER COUNSELING CENTRE 525-6651 - 8th Avenue, New Westminster e counseling is provided for individual adults, adolescents, and fami- Personal, career and family counseling are specialties. All counselors in training, but are under direct supervision of university faculty. WESTMINSTER FAMILY PLACE 520-3666 il Agnes Street, New Westminster bp-in programs for parents and children of all ages. Open Monday riday 9:30 am to 11:30 am, and Monday and Tuesday afternoons im 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. WESTMINSTER TENANTS’ ASSOCIATION 525-5376 p - 26 Lorne Street, Vancouver presents the interests of the tenant and the landlord in all areas of Lower Mainland, except Vancouver. RENTS AND FRIENDS OF LESBIANS AND GAYS 255-4429 ~30502, Brentwood Postal Outlet- it - 4567 Lougheed Highway, Burnaby V5C 2A0 tual support for parents and friends of lesbians and gays. Group ets the last Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm. Call for location prmation. RENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS ............ eoeee 944-1075 64552, Coquitlam V3J 3RO -help organization for single parents. Educational programs, fam- activities, and adult social functions. Custody is not a factor. INE YOUTH CLINIC ............-222- Soiiiie eee 736-2391 BS West 4th Avenue, Vancouver bvides free confidential health care. Specializes in, pregnancy hnseling and treatment of STD's. Free birth control. Preference given people under 25 years of age and people without Medicare. ANNED PARENTHOOD OF BC .........---22+ 731-4252 5 - 2902 West Broadway, Vancouver rt Coquitlam ................ccce2eseeceeneer weeee 941-3451 control and pregnancy counseling is provided. . : SUPPORT GROUP ................. 596-3840 (Sandi) B - 7049 133A Street, Surrey V3W 7Z8 -help support group for women who have pre-menstrual syndrome. OFESSIONAL NATIVE WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION 873-1833 ) 872-1845 5 East Broadway, Vancouver s is a network of Native Indian women promoting careers and edu- on for Native women and youth in all professions. OGRESSIVE INDO-CANADIAN COMMUNITY RVICES SOCIETY ...............--222eeeeeeeeereevee 903-4112 D 583-3983 x 283, Surrey V3T 4W8 Immunity-based self-help group dedicated to serving the Indo-Ca- Hian community. A myriad of services are available, DWER (PROSTITUTES AND OTHER WOMEN FOR ROL REGUS) oan siesgsecneneenstoeseicy steecceses BOS" S99 PO Box 2288, Vancouver ER works for the decriminalization of prostitution, and alterna- ps to prostitution for women.They provide court advocacy referrals H resources for women on the streets. OSTITUTES ANONYMOUS......... scosseereceeee 139-4949 elf-supporting 12-step group for men and women who wish to e the sex trade industry or are dealing with its aftermath. BLIC LEGAL EDUCATION SOCIETY ......... 688-2565 0 - 900 Howe Street, Vancouver 3 ough the People’s Law School, they offer free public law classes H related booklets, and videotapes. A SHEPHERD CONSERVATION SOCIETY . 688-7325 Box 48446, Vancouver Shepherds are working to preserve wildlife and natural resources, H advocate animal rights through direct action. ARE FAMILY VIOLENCE INTERVENTION PROGRAM 931-3110 2 Austin Avenue, Coquitlam nseling program for those who want to end violence in their rela- nships. Program is comprised of a Women’s Support Group, ongo- Other Press Telereg Extravaganza! ing education and support for women who are, or have been, victims of abuse; Men's Treatment Groups, 13 - 24 week treatment groups for men who are emotionally and/or physically abusive to and control- ling of their partners, and individual intervention services. © SHARE FOOD BANK ..........2ccccccssereseeeesreereee 931-2451 2403 Spring Street, Port Moody Food distributed Wednesdays from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Operated by volunteers — Volunteers needed. SINGLE FATHERS’ SUPPORT GROUP.......... fax 3981 Main Street, Vancouver : Support and information, teaches parenting problem-solving tech- niques. Group meets Thursdays from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Child minding available. SINGLE MOTHERS’ SUPPORT GROUP 611 Agnes Street, New Westminster Drop-in group for sharing and discussion. Child care provided for chil- dren under 7 years. Group meets Mondays from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. SOCIAL PLANNING AND RESEARCH COUNCIL OF BC 731-4252 736-8118 879-7104 879-7113 525-9144 106 - 2182 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver SPARC does research on housing, poverty, and social programs, as well as issuing parking placards for people with disabilities. A resource li- brary is available to the public. SOCIETY FOR CANADIAN WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 291-5163 Simon Fraser University This organization encourages women to succeed in the sciences and in technology industry. STREET YOUTH SERVICES .........2..2200c2200ceee 1237 Richards Street, Vancouver ~ Provides street kids with counselling and advocacy, help finding food clothing, shelter, money, education, legal aid, health care and more. They are independent, and do not work for welfare, probation or ae police. 662-8822 SUCCESS ...... 936-5900 SAK sti 936-7820 hot line 687-3233 An organization involved in community work, social services, and re- search in the Chinese community of the Lower Mainland. Help with immigration, housing, ESL, countéling, and more. ~~ ** TENANTS’ PROVINCIAL INFORMATION LINE 1-800-665-1185 A toll-free hotline where tenants can call for information on their rights as a tenant. TENANTS’ RIGHTS ACTION COALITION...... 255-0546 fax 255-0772 Information and literature on tenant's rights and organizing is avail- able. A resource centre provides assistance in the formation of tenants’ committees and associations within buildings or neighbourhoods. Workshops, training seminars, a speakers’ bureau, and associate serv- ices are available. Free clinic every Thursday from 6 pm to 9 pm at Britannia Community Centre, 1661 Napier Street, Vancouver. TOOLS FOR PEACE ............0020cccccereseoreeee eeere 879-7216 fax 872-0709 1672 East 10th Avenue, Vancouver This organization works with community groups in BC to raise aware- ness of issues in Nicaragua and Latin America, and also raises funds for projects in Nicaragua. TRAVEL ADVICE LINE..............-22----- 1-800-267-6788 Provides information for Canadian travelers on potential hot spots and advisories on places thought to be too dangerous to visit. Open 24 hours. TRY LINE: cccccisnccretensive seesecseresereeeese 1-800-663-1441 A hot line for people who need help in stopping their alcohol and/or drug abuse problems. URBAN IMAGES FOR NATIVE WOMEN ....... 875-9211 1 - 245 East Broadway, Vancouver A pre-employment training and support program for Native Indian women — provides counseling and skills development. VANCOUVER INCEST AND SEXUAL ABUSE CENTRE 874-2938 874-9898 fax 202 - 1103 Kingsway, Vancouver This centre provides individual counseling for adults who were sexu- ally abused as children, as well as support groups and legal assistance for survivors of sexual abuse. VANCOUVER INTERNATIONAL HOSTEL...... fax 1515 Discovery Street, Vancouver 224-3208 224-4852 23 Get your international hostelling membership here for $25. Gets you into hostels all over the world for one year at extremely low cost, and a book telling you where the hostels are ($5.95 value). VANCOUVER INDIAN CENTRE ....... paws bauevere 1607 East Hastings Street, Vancouver The Friendship Centre provides programs for all ages, including a family drop-in, and recreational activities. VANCOUVER LESBIAN CONNECTION 876 Commercial Drive, Vancouver A drop-in centre with information about social, cultural, and political events. The VLC organizes coffee houses and coming out groups. VANCOUVER RAPE RELIEF AND WOMEN’S SHELTER 24 hour emergency line...................- seveee 872-8212 251-4844 254-8458 - This feminist collective works to end male violence against women. They provide emotional support, accompaniment and advocacy, group and/or individual counseling, and emergency shelter. Volunteers are needed; training is provided. A public education program and publica- tions on violence against women are available. Also an organization centre for women. VANCOUVER SOCIETY FOR MALE SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE ooocc sh inesecacersesersecnetausepecsr 682-6482 847 Hamilton Street, Vancouver Individual and group therapy available-for male ‘survivors of sexual abuse. Support groups available for family members and significant others. Serves men 16 years and over. Fees on a sliding scale. VANCOUVER SOCIETY ON IMMIGRANT WOMEN — 731-9108 2524 Cypress Street, Vancouver This group is working for immigrant women in BC with eB training, child care and social services. VANCOUVER STATUS OF WOMEN .............. 255- 5511 301 - 1720 Grant Street, Vancouver : ba This organization works to improve the status 08 women through’a variety of activities. They advocate for positive change in legislation on refugees, child care, and the free trade agreement. VANCOUVER WOMEN’S HEALTH COLLECTIVE ; sient 736-4234 help information line ................... searervess 736-5262 219 - 1675 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver The collective offers self-help groups,'a public health series, diaphragm and cervical cap fittings, pregnancy and abortion counseling by. ap- ! pointment, and a health professional on duty to better help you with your needs. A medical resource library is also available to interested parties. VENEREAL DISEASE CLINIC ...........-2000+« -- 660-6161 828 - West 10th Avenue, Vancouver A discreet clinic specializing in treatment of venereal disease. VICTIMES LINE 23 occcsscsececoncazecann eeveeeeee 1-800-VICTIMS A province wide service, providing information and referrals for: vic- tims of crime. WOMEN AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN (WAVAW) office 875-1238 24 hour crisis line ...............-.20cceeerreeee .--- 675-6011 WAVAW Rape Crisis is a confidential service offering legal and medical support and counseling for victims of sexual violence. Volunteers needed. WOMEN’S CENTRE PORT COQUITLAM ....... 941-6311 2420 Mary Hill, Port Coquitlam A drop-in centre for women. Information, advocacy, training, and much more. WOMEN’S PLACE SURREY .......2-0ccccereerecseesoee 222-2227 15318 - 20th Avenue, Surrey A drop-in centre for women. Information, advocacy, training,and much more. WOMEN’S RESEARCH CENTRE .......-.20c0020-. 734-0485 fax 734-0484 101 - 2245 West Broadway, Vancouver This centre does research for women’s groups and provides consulta- tions and workshops on evaluation, research methods, organizational development, and women’s issues. WOMEN’S RESOURCES CENTRE ........--.----- 681-2910 1144 Robson Street, Vancouver A free drop-in centre with a life planning service for women which provides support in assessing their current life situation. Workshops include job hunting and managing depression. Sorry folks, but this directory is by no means com- plete. Watch for additional useful information in fu- ture issues.