THE OTHER PRESS | January 2nd, 1985 This page of The Other Press is reserved solely for the purpose of corresp e and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper, or the Douglas College student | society or administration. = All letters and opinions must be typed at a 60 stroke line, triple spaced and bear the name telephone number of the writer for reasons of verification and validity. The telep number will not he prigned and the name may not be printed if just cause is shown. Letters should be no more than 200 words in length and opinion pieces should be under 1000 words in length due to space layout requirements. We reserve the right to edit all letters and opinions for clarity and libel. Letters and opinions may be edited to size. , pee for all submissions is 4:00 P.M. the Friday before production week. Ad Coordinators..........ccccsccsscssesceccscescceees ined vacvanassess DONNA FORBES Tnavuacetacceareveorecsguecaasanhedsavaubancsaseculateccsuccsesaaaens & ..DAVE STALLARD Business; MANagers.csciescccssecteseasecscnssncssvcdsuassacesasaces species JEAN JOYCE Editorial Coordinator.......... senutacatebcaduedoes tuadesineds 5 N LYON Entertainment Coordinator.. slits JOEL HAGEN Features Coordinator..........cccescecseees auvsmeekvsvascestosataices «CYNTHIA KILT Galley Brooteriecscccccssdccsncsdaccectssacataslavcqocssealsesanseccgeccne Uk saa duacenceausies Human Rights Coordinators..............0000 i waasscavipoactennes SUSIE GRAHAM. Ne@ws COGrdIN ROE iio ive cencscunceceresivcncdiceveedsaceacwdsecncduadeccacaccubdaseecbacsavess Office, COprdingtOtcssaccccasacanecincercdspadcedensshhecesesdecsencks KATHY NICHOLS Photography Coordinator..............ccccccscsesssccsccsessaccccesees BRIAN BISSET Production Coordinator...........ccscesecossceseseneees STEWART WOOLVERTON | ¢@ Sports COseaamMWie si caccacccnctas spss saoksscheccctae vi cousekacenscaue JANE MUSKENS | } Typesetter.........s000. Wane Wan bskal sdasases cisessasdedencsnspuans .RHONDA JESCHKE | 6 : Contribiters.scis. ccecceeveceveesssus aeeeeeesceneceeeeereree, DWAYNE SUTHERLAND | “S62 nydaheehaseeeted mab ededess KATHY NICHOLS.............ceceeeee: LARRY FAIRFOULL dassoduunheveneviaceselayseacnecenncamasececcctesacs MOULINEX* THE WONDER KITTY The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous student newspaper, published several times a semester [usually every two weeks] ler the auspices of The Other Publications Society. ee comes by way of a direct student at registration time through local and national advertising. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press and of the national ennee: cooperative, Campus Plus. The Other Press welcomes new and prospective members to come to our semi-regular staff meetings; usually held on Thursdays at 12:00 noon, story and production meetings, every alternate Mondayat 4:00 P.M. All meetings take place in The Other .Press newsroom in room 1602, located in the deepest, dark corners of the bottom floor. Mailing Address: | The Other Press Box 2503 Douglas College New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Phone: 525-3542 525-5925 7Days a week 530-6th St. Across From Westminster Mall _. Dried Fruits , Nuts, Candies Mixes for Cookies, Cakes and Pancakes, A Well Stocked:Delicatessen January Special:Every Mon. & Tues. D.C Students get ; Ky. 10% off every minimum order of $5. Z Miu (Offer excludes Bread & Dairy products) § VISA MASTERCARD FEATURING “FRESH PASTA” 3 & specials every week! j LUNCHES “JUST LIKE MOMMA‘S” Soles J Join the best home cooked food: in New Westminster While You're Eating Enjoy POOL TABLES DARTS “MTV” EXOTIC DANCERS WELCOME NEW STUDENTS COLLEGE PLACE HOTEL RVO PADSOOOQOQOCOOCOQCQOOOCOCOCOOOOCOOCOOOO COO O OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO 740 CARN , 3 BR Go TERS Gore ME oc VES GP) 15% DISCOUNT TO DC STUDENTS START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT WITHA HAIRSTYLE BY 7 NATURALLY SHEAR BY RICHARD } : 540-6th st.,(across from the Westminster Mall) § —§26-4911 = 526-2914 ¢ TIME: Tues. 7:30-9:30 p.m. Thurs. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Registration & Beginning: Jan.8,1985 Ends: Mar.28,1985 PLACE: Douglas College Dance Studio,third floor(North Elevator) FEES: Drop-In -$4perclass 12 week session (One class per week) (Two classes per week) PHONE: 524-3230 -$40 -$80