INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 30, 1990 tA Kd OKTOBERFEST November 1st — 3-6 p.m. in the Douglas Room e Auction of Deans & Board Members (starts at 3:30) ¢ Draw for Reserved Parking Space e 50/50 Draw e Ice Cold Beer, Bavarian Food & Music All College Personnel are invited! ALTA TATA ARTA A AT, Thank You: Graduation Volunteer Fair Assistance Approaching i co-ordinated the recent Volun- reparations for the upcoming teer Fair for the Burnaby Volun- Sincerely, graduation ceremonies have teer Centre at Douglas College. I Gail Johnson once again begun. The date for our came into this project "cold" but Public Relations Co-ordinator Winter Graduation has been set at the assistance I received from Burnaby Volunteer Centre January 18, 1991 — not January several of your staff made this job 17th as previously indicated. One as easy as I could have asked for. ceremony will be held — 7:30 in This letter is in recognition of the the evening. time and cooperation I received. I ee & This will serve as a reminder would like to say thank you from oe to all Directors, Chairs, and Facul- the Burnaby Volunteer Centre and a ty members who will be involved from the agencies that par- e S AY WauatT? t. in the processional, that, unlike the ticipated. We look forward to the ee . oe previous ceremony, it will now be future and further growth and suc- oe your responsibility to obtain your own hood. If you are unfamiliar with the process in obtaining one, we would suggest that you contact the university you attended. @ cess of the Douglas College Volun- teer Fairs. Specifically: Jean Easton, Wendy Waidson, and Brad Barber. —38—