FIRST AID COVERAGE The College has trained First Aid Attendants on campus from 8:00 A.M. to 11:30 P.M. weekdays. These First Aid attendants hold Industrial First Aid tickets in accordance with the Worker's Compensation Board Regulations. They do not occupy the first aid room on a full-time basis. As First Aid Attendants, they are available to staff, faculty, administration or students for EMERGENCY situations or related accidents or injuries which occur at the College. First Aid Attendants are not a substitute for medical appointments with physicians or for treating employees who have ongoing medical problems. Procedures to Follow in Case of Emergency (0830 -— 2330 Hours) l. Ensure safety of injured individual. 2. Send someone for help, or if alone, locate nearest campus telephone (College phones will have stickers with emergency information). Se EMERGENCY NUMBERS MONDAY -—-FRIDAY FIRST AID (8:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.) 8080 ALTERNATES 6060 7070 FIRST AID (7:00 P.M. - 11:30 P.M.) 5050 MEDICAL EMERGENCY (AMBULANCE) 872-5151 4. Return to the injured individual until help arrives. 5. The First Aid Attendant will either treat the problem or refer you to a hospital or physician. If an ambulance is required, the Attendant will make the arrangements and will remain with you until it arrives. 6. If you are unable to contact a First Aid Attendant and there is a LIFE THREATENING SITUATION CALL the Ambulance at 872-5151.