MAD HATTER: 11 RECENT AUDIO VISUAL ACQUISITIONS November, 1986 Rediscovery: The Eagle's Gift VHS 29 mins. At the site of the most isolated youth camp in the world, native and non-native youngsters rediscover the unique natural history and Haida cultural heritage of the Queen Charlotte Islands, a land of unmatched beauty and mystery. Here the youthful curiosity and desire to know is reawakened by a wide range of challenging activi- ties: traditional food gathering, exploring ancient villages and totem poles, 24-hour "Solo" drama of the potlatch re-enactment on "Ceremony Night", innovative workshops in matine and forest ecology, "Deer Ears" and "Moss Window" games, and a six-day back-packing expedition along the rugged west coast of the Charlottes. The commentary by Haida brings a great sense of dignity and wisdom to the film. The Research Paper 45" VHS 30 mins. \ A detective must write a research paper as part of a project. As the detective works through the stages of preparation and writing, the narrator gives advice about the nature and organization of a good research paper. Street Kids 16 mm 28 mins. Graphic animation of black and white photographs provides a gritty, realistic look at juvenile prostitution and the young people, male and female, who are struggling to get off the street. This documentary quickly dispels the images of glamour and big money usually associated with prostitution, and makes clear the continuum of being sexually abused as a child, loss of self-esteem, and turning to the streets. Tt also shows the positive efforts of child care workers to help juvenile prostitutes to find a way out. Elements of Change 4" VHS 29 mins. The development of modern chemistry is traced from ancient speculations to its present sophisticated level, and the search for the basic unit of all substances is described. Ionization Energy 4" VHS 22 mins. This program presents two methods of measuring ionization energy: photo-ionization and electron bombardment. Animation shows what occurs on the atomic level during the ionization process. Also the relation of ionization energy to chemical reactivity is explaincd. Solutions 4" VHS 13 mins. Properties of a solution are investigated and several experiments are shown, including ones using filters and light beams, to determine what a solution is and how it differs from a mixture. Mary Matthews Audio Visual Librarian