The GLAS | _ CHIV COLLEGE LIBRARY Lope Mad Hatte 8 a s ‘ Audiovisual BASIC AUDIOVISUAL SKILLS Would you like to upgrade, or learn some basic audio- visual skills? Library 115 Basic Audiovisual Skills wil] give you a basic under- standing of the operation, maintenance, use and storage of a variety of hardware and software, utilizing tape re- cording and play back systems. FEE: $16.50 Sessions: 7 WHEN: Thurs. Mar, 5 - Apr, 16, 1981 WHERE: Douglas College, N.W. Campus. TIME: 1900-2200 . For further information call Admissions at 588-6404 and ask about Library 115. | CARE The Douglas College I CARE program needs volunteer tutors who are willing to tutor adults in basic literacy skills. Volunteers need to be patient people who speak English fluently. Training and books are provided to enable the volunteer to teach an illiterate adult right in the community. No special education level is required - just be willing to help! For further information, contact the I CARE program at 939-6611 Ke _A Douglas College itter oo February 10, 1981 Feminist Issues Programs for Women at Douglas College has organized a Feminist Issue Series, a package of six innovative, controversial, and thought provoking topics. Issues such as wife battering, sexual harrassment, and fat and body image will be discussed by various experts on the subject. The series will be offered on the New Westminster Campus of Douglas College. Cost will be $4 ner session. The Constitution - Feb, 5 (Lee Grills) Wife Battering - Feb, 19 (Donnie Patterson) . Tat and Body Image - Mar, 12 (Sandy Friedman) The B.C. Family Relations Act - Apr, 2 (Samantha Sanderson) Sexual Harrassment - Apr, 23 (Hanna Jenson & Debra Lewis) Plays as Re-Creation - May 14 (Margot Thompson) All seminars start at 7:30 p.m. For further information call, 521-4851 loc. 234 wantlen & College we HONORABLE MENTION | ei ler - BRIAN WORTHINGTON WINNER STU RICHARDSON The three top logo designs ° are presently on display at the Surrey Campus, in hall, just down from the < library. \__ loc. 2s ‘ YOUR NEW COMMUNITY COLLEGE HONORABLE MENTION KEN HUGHES KWANTLEN a DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES