MAD HATTER PAGE 2 INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA SERVICES LOCATION: During the week of May 3 to 7, the Douglas College Instructional Media Services will be moving into its tem porary location, McBride 605, Local 268. The unit will remain here until its area in the new building is completed, prob- ably mid-October. PERSONNEL: Personnel forming the new Douglas Col- lege I.M.S. unit are: Glen James - Equipment maintenance and repair Heather Campbell - I.M.S. Technical As- sistant (Production) Bruce Clarke - Audio Nicholas Lewis - Photography - on leave The positions of Manager and Graphic Artist, currently vacant, are under dis- cussion. SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT: To date the capital available to equip the new building has not been announced and, therefore, decisions on an equit- able split of the old equipment have been delayed. Consequently, Instruc- tional Media Services will have only a limited ability to produce materials over the summer. Production requests for other than routine materials should be directed to Virginia Chisholm, Local 254. It is IMPORTANT, if you require a major job for the Fall term, that you send a detailed request to V. Chisholm as soon as possible. I hope that you will bear with us during this transitionary period and we will endeavor to have a responsive production service available to you as soon as possible. EDUCATION INFORMATION CENTRE How do I get into university if I don't graduate from high schcol? Where do I learn to be a computer tech- nician? Are there age restrictions on the Build- ing Service Worker Program? My cousin lives in Australia but wants to study in Vancouver. What are possibilities? ; How do I become an apprentice? Where do I get career counselling? Are there any jewellery making classes in Richmond? What is available in the way of student aid? How do I become a mortgage broker? When is the next Word Processing class? Where? Where do I get my Grade 12? What courses can I take by correspond- ence? Where can I take computing courses in the evening? I want to take some courses but don't know what's available. These are just a few examples of the thousands of questions that have been asked at the Education Information Centre since its initial opening last May. Close to 5000 people have either drop- ped in or phoned the Centre for infor- mation about the many educational op- portunities that are available through the nine-member educational institu tions. Countless others have come into the Centre to browse and pick up brochures,