that at endance“and participation at the GM b pen to’ members of the CUFA-BC. 2 / A BK Sc ermbruckef /” c. Pensions Report C Minutes Colley s Faealdios oa ) Re.) In presenting his Report, Ernie wished first of all to’clarify the status of the Report. He has not so much written as com- piled this Report from various picces of legislation. So far, however, it does represent the only consolidated Pension Act in B.C. The intent is to stimulate interest and concern in the member Associations with regard to the Act. To that end, Ernie made four recommendations: 1 that the CFF request of Mr. W. H. Forrest, Superannuation Conmissioner, that he con- tact the other provinces to attempt negotiations aiming at agreements for inter- provincial portability of College pensions. 2 that the CFF request that W. H. Forrest, Superannuation Commissioner approach the Attorney-General of B.C. to investigate methods whereby applicable Acts could be amended (and subsequently implemented) to provide College instructors, transferring from the Teacher's Pension Plan to the Col- lege Pension Plan, the privilege of re- taining, wherever possible, Military Service benefits allowed under the Teacher's Plan and served while under the Teacher's Plan. 3 that the CFF inform W. H. Forrest, Super- annuation Commissioner, that it recommends that the Provincial Government assume the employer's share of contributions to the Col- lege Pension Plan, as is done in the case of certain other provincially administered pen- sion plans. 4 a) that the CFF request of W. H. Forrest, Superannuation Commissioner, that the College Pension Act be amended so that membership in the College Pension Plan be compulsory for all applicable under the Act after five (5) years of service or following their thirticth (30th) birthday, whichever comes first, as of the date of enactment of such amendment; this amendment, moreover, is to apply to all appoin- tees subsequent to this enactment. }) that the CFF request of W. H. Forrest, Superannuation Commissioner, that the College