© the other press ¢ Features Passport CHEKHOV Anton 193303537 40) Ajuo pyeA STUDENT i P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster BC) i IN Douglas College} Ht | j i SE Christopher Chambers BCIT Link News Reporter More than citizens of any other nation I know of, Canadians always want to know how they are seen in the eyes of oth- ers—especially the Americans. It is sibling rivalry among nation states. A common belief about Canada, when the country is given any thought at all beyond 2x4s and skiing at Whistler, is an old favourite: a boring country populated by earnest, boring people. Last month, the Canadian government made this official by banning the public from smiling or frowning on their passport photos! That’s right, a forced smile or awkward frown could render you unrecognizable to the jack-booted customs flunky who interrogates you upon your return to Canada. Of course, if your experience is anything like mine, there's no smiling going on when you arrive at the airport after a ten-hour flight. The last thing you need is to be grilled by some part-time keener who feels empowered by the quasi- military uniform and is anxious to know if you're over the limit on your booze! Only the Canadian government would sanction to send its citizens out into the world and require them all to look like soviet-era farm peasants. Does the government not realize how hard it is to get a good photo for any type of official ID, let alone a passport? And now they make it illegal to even try! What message does this send to the rest of the world? That Canadians are a bunch of tight-arses? Your Canadian passport is your calling card to the rest of the world. . .do you want to show up with a picture that says “spent the win- ter in Winnipeg” (to be fair, anytime of the year in Winnipeg), or a picture that says “BC grows the worlds best bud?” Now, by this point, you may have reached into your pock- et to sneak a peek at your student card, just to see what your picture says about you. Well, the good news is, at BCIT there are no rules against smiling when posing for that all- important picture that will define you for two years. Asked if BCIT might follow the lead of the Canadian gov- ernment and impose a “no smiling” policy on photos, Onecard (BCITs student card) gatekeeper Jennifer Rossetti said she doesn’t see it happening at BCIT; in fact, smiling is encouraged. Ms. Rossetti added: “as long as we can see who it is, it’s ok.” Now doesn’t that sound like a reasonable poli- cy? Indeed, if you are having second thoughts about your Onecard mug shot, drop by the Onecard office before you receive your mid-term grades (otherwise smile may have to be forced) and for only $10, you can get a picture that shows just how much you enjoy being a student at BCIT. However, if you are thinking of applying for a Canadian passport, here are a few tips to help you get that blank expression for the camera. Take a deep breath, relax, and think about one or more of the following: a bowl of Red River cereal, Saskatchewan, the CFL, the Canucks being up three games to one, and—choke—Tim Horton's being fresh out of Boston creams. Under no circumstances should you think about all of the above at once—facial paralysis might result. Also, check yourself in a mirror before using these ref- erence tools. For many people, no further work is necessary. Editor's note: Smiling is still permissible at Douglas College, as well, whether the photo be for a student card or for the Other Press’s collection of cool-looking dudes. Please keep that in mind should the OP paparazzi catch you off guard. 2 Page 20 e http://www.otherpress.ca October 8, 2003 THE OTHER PRESS IS HIRING! The OP is looking for a hard working, self motivated Ad Manager. 15 hours per week. This is a great opportunity for the right applicant Call Kerry Evans at 604.525.3542 for more details. Distribution person wanted. 10 hours per week. Must have own vehicle. Heavy lifting involved. $10.22 per hour, you pay your own gas and vehicle maintenance costs. Delivery route includes Burnaby, New Westminster and Coquitlam. Contact Trevor for more information at 604.928.7457 or email at hundredmedia@hotmail.com We're always looking for new writers! Contact Editor Kerry Evans for details at (604) 525-3542 SONY ERICSSON 1306 t on 2-year term (BONUS ® , 3 Months Unlimited " ores Local Calling , Starter Service A, Get the pian that's i FREE j right for you, 4 i. re iq no term - $250 ies noterm-$250 } | noterm-$350 } { noterm-$450 ] wi noterm-$550 } Plans. tnclude:'Call Waiting, Cail Forwarding & Busy / No Answer Transfer, Free Received Text Messages, 2 Months Free Call Display & Voicemail! fy 12 BEATTHE CLOCK! : e Receive over 40 extra hours of Free Local Calling per month by extending evesings to 6pm instead of 8pm for only $5! ee lusively at PACIFIC@ CELLULAR Orocers = ater. WIRELESS