The Other Press page three yoo MONTREAL [CUP]—Stu- dents and faculty at the University of B.C. may have seen the last of the annual lady Godiva ride and the Red Rag news- paper, two UBC engineer- ing student trademarks. The engineering under- graduate society executive announced March 7 the Lady Godiva ride will not continue “in its present ferm’’. They also said EUS publications will become more professional. gested UBC Engineer, a publication modeled on professional journals, might be revived to replace the Red Rag, which has been attacked along with the Godiva ride in the past several years as sexist and insulting to women. But at least one com- munity women’s group |remains skeptical that the EUS will make major changes. Suzanne Perreault, a Women Against Violence Against Women project worker, said she personally feels the statement does Former students _ of Community Colleges throughout the province will be the focus of an exhaustive research study to be conducted over the next several months. The study, initiated by the British Columbia Mi- nistry of Education and conducted by B.C. Re- search, has the full support of all fourteen Community Colleges. Representatives from each of the colleges have been involved in the design and planning of the study. The primary objectives of the study are to identify the ‘linfluences on choice of program and _ institution, the educational objectives of the students and the reasons for discontinuation of their college study. Over 5,000 former col- lege students, selected from students who were enrolled in Academic STudies during September 1978, will be sent an information sheet for com- pletion. The information sheet will be mailed during the third week of March. A final report from the study is expected at the end of June 1980. B.C. Research is an independent, non-profit contract research organiza- tion having offices anc as in Vancouver. The announcement sug- ° not imply the Godiva ride _ Engineers unhorsed and Red Rag scragged will end. ‘| think it’s about time it stopped. But it sure doesn’t sound like they (the EUS) are going to stop the Lady Godiva rides,’’ she said. The statement con- cerning the’ ride _ is ambiguous and suggests the ride will continue in another form, she added. But Erich Vogt, UBC faculty and student affairs vice-president, said the announcement is a ‘’major step forward’’. ‘| think they understood a change was_ needed. They’re trying to improve relations,’’ said Vogt. But while Vogt admits the statement does not indicate the ride will stop he said he hopes it will. ‘‘! think it’s a healthy statement. It should be redirected.’’ Vogt added there are ‘‘all kinds of questions as to what people find offensive about the ride,’’ adding that the EUS executive will discuss the event with the university administration in OLLEGE Featuring FOUR ROOMS UNDER ONE ROOF ‘MUGS AND JUGS’”——— casual atmosphere ‘“RUMPUS ROOM” ———— the fun stop “FRISCO PUB” “CHICAGO TONIGHT” — total experience “CHICAGO TONIGHT” Pace Hote | genuine funk 740 Carnarvon St. New Westminster, B.C. -COME EARLY— GET A SEAT the near future.