INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 2, 1990 _) Candid Campus NAME: Christine Menzies POSITION AT DOUGLAS COLLEGE: Faculty — Theatre Department SCOPE OF DUTIES: I teach courses in voice, movement and acting. I also direct one production per semester. BEST THING ABOUT WORKING AT D.C.: The sense of community and the facilities in the Theatre depart- ment are outstanding. WORST THING ABOUT WORKING AT D.C.: Bad air, fluorescent lights. FAVOURITE WAY TO SPEND LEISURE TIME: Almost all of my time, including vacation, is spent on some theatre related activity — event my kids get involved. FAVOURITE RESTAURANT: Buddhist Vegetarian Restaurant. I am not vegetarian but the food there is great — no msg. : LIKES: Chocolate — although not in excess. DISLIKES: Fascism in all its forms. HOBBIES: I used to play tennis a lot, in international tournaments as a junior. Nowadays it seems theatre and tennis don’t mix. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT TO BE DOING IN THE YEAR 2000: I love what I’m doing now. I hope in 2000 it will be something similar. United Way Questions and Answers continued from page 4 Q. Can any organization get regular funding from United Way? No. An agency applying for membership must be providing unduplicated human-care services in the Lower Mainland, be a registered charity, have a volunteer board of directors, and publish an audited financial statement. That’s for starters! There are other important criteria to be agreed upon, all geared to making sure that your donations are being properly used and accounted for in providing needed services here. Q. How do you decide how much each agency gets? Volunteers and staff in United Way’s Agency and Community Services Department work with agencies to ensure that their base level of support is maintained so that their programs and services can continue. Our goal is to increase funding through more successful campaigns, which in turn depend upon generous giving from donors. Q. What's so special about United Way? 1. It’s a very efficient and economical way to provide community services for those who need them. 2. With one gift you can support a whole, vital network of help, which one day you or your family may be glad to use. 3. United Way funds agencies on the basis of the needs they answer, not on their popularity. 4. If there were no United Way campaign, each agency would have to fundraise much more on its own, with probable loss of program efficiency and undoubtedly higher overall cost to the community. 5. One United Way campaign focuses and directs energies of 5000 volunteers for a specific period of time, maintaining enthusiasm and efficiency. 6. When you give to United Way, you give to your community. 7. It works — for all of us! Hf