Instructors Diploma Program continued.... Nees asc) © CURRICULUM The curriculum for the Instructors Diploma Program comprises four courses. 1) Instructional end Curriculum Design (30hours) [rp lol} Introduces the instructor to the plenning and preparation of instructional materials from the complete course perspective including lesson plans and learning materials. 2) Elements of Instruction (Part A 30 hours, Part B 30 hours) [x b IO 2] Prepares the instructor to manage instruction by providing Opportunities to practice instructional skills. It also introduces the instructor to the basic concepts underlying the design, delivery and evaluation of adult instructional programs. 3) Use and Design of Instructional Media (30 hours) [I> 103 ] Prepares the instructor to both design and to efficiently and effectively . use instructional media so that the learning process is enriched in | his/her instructional settings. | © 4) Evaluation of Learning and Instruction (Part A 30, hours Pert B 30 hours) [z D104] Prepares the instructor to evaluate student. outcomes in a variety of instructional settings and to evaluate the effectiveness of his/her own | instructional methods and techniques. MAJOR ASSIGNMENT On completion of the 180 hour Instructors Diploma Program the requirement for major assignment is to develop fifteen (15) hours of course materials from the instructor's specialty area. This assignment is expected to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired during the program. FEES (as of 1987 O1 19) The present fee schedule is: | Thirty hour (30) course $122 CO Course materials (per course) $12 Major assignment $62 |