ACCESS LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE The major function of the ALRC is to provide assistance for students with special needs in accessing regular college courses/programs. The aim is to provide services to disabled students who require assessments, individual assistance, and skill preparation in order to meet course/program requirements. DIRECTORY OF ADUI.T SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF AND FACULTY Gladys Loewen - Coordinator, Loc. 2791 Jody Pilling - Access Learning Resource Centre, Loc. 2793 Barbara Mowat - Community Programmer, Loc. 2322 Basic Occupational Education ~- Food Services Jean Campbell - Coordinator, Loc. 2835 Eugene Hrushowy - Faculty, Loc. 5827 Betty Bekkering - Technician Trainer, Loc. 2813 Diana Keith - Technician Trainer, Loc. 2813 Janet McKinnon - Technician Trainer, Loc. 2813 Basic Occupational Education - Electronic Assembly Jean Campbell - Coordinator, loc 2835 Faculty and Technician Trainer - T.B.A. Consumer and Job Preparation for Adults With Special Needs Bobbie Boehm- Coordinator, Loc. 2307 Don Allen - Faculty, Loc. 2302 Marsha Teichman - Program Assistant, Loc. 2301 Karen Templeton, Program Assistant, Loc. 2303 Nicky Soles - Program Assistant, Loc. 2303 Catherine Rauk - Program Assistant, Loc 2301 Functional Literacy for Adults With Special Needs Linda Spencer - Faculty, Loc. 2850 Career and Job Preparation for Adults With Hearing Impairments Dottie Rundles - Faculty, Loc. 5801 Tutor/interpreter - T.B.A.