PLEASE POST..COME. . .. ME D , ne se - \ oe Uf ~~ ~>>~ UBC ee (> a set of . Qnd . "7 ——— fogether wi SPu > SEMINARS ° 1 rwith BC Colleges Q& : announce .¢ » & WORKSHOPS on MAN and MEDIA eo: -_—_— —_s oom \O ° es ZY. oS: YH, a. at The aim of these semi-annual conferences is to give BC College and University Educators a forum to air and share their media CONTRIBUTE..PLAN | | \ tL. experiences, problems and solutions. TTT & es ) | | ¢ ; \\\\ © PRAGMATICS | | \ “UY & / — Media Use - | \ a The State of the Art ! O - —_———— _ a “ws for presentation or program details on this or other conferences in the series - a | CONTACT if YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES — ACADEMEDIA STEERING GROUP c/o Biomedical Communications OR Rm B 32, IRC, 2075 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1W5