+= QBUGLAS COLLEC Fie Naps Mea, teed Ff 1 Sooty BH deck . Ye) bal x a BEARCREEK FAIRE J ON THt BAMKS OF BEAR CRELK My 4:25:26" re NOON TO DARK -® RAIN > SHINE ADULT? $100 KD) rk NO LATION, FS BEAR CREEK PK. TN SURR¢ DAR COT V.GUAY MARE Boor TAL MAY 10 —@ = 5-441] Soa ge Ge Y GO, (887) CaN. eNNIAL anlS Cow! Naw The B.C. Travelliny: Arts & Crafts Faire will hold its first annual “Bear Creek Faire" on the banks of Hear Creek, May 24th, 25th and eoth, noon to dark, rain or shine. The travelling faire is a combination of medieval rennaissance, the tradition of the coast Inujian notlatch, the excitement of a circus, the down home feeling of a farmers' market, and the freedom and cosour of the curopean gypsies. The faire brings back a lot of the old ways, in the jorm of forgotten crafts, techniques, cuitures, and music. Inexnensive, quality merchandise, and entere tainment, make the faire a benefit for all. The faire relies on a small admission charge and booth rentals to cover exe penses. Phone 574-4417 for registration information. Tournesol Dance Experience, resident in the Surrey Centennial Arts Centre, will present # programme of contemporary dance including new works to music of Kabelac, Takemitsu and Stravinsky. Also featured is an original composition by Vancouver flautist, Ole Juul. ‘The spring concert tour schedule is: May 8,9 = “hite Rock Play- May 11 = Art Gallery of Greater house “ Victoria 1532 Johnston st. a ; 1040 Moss St. White Rock, B.C. pa A Victoria, B.C. Adm. $2.50, 1.50 pee a Adm. $1.50 Maillardville (approx. 1st ~ Ray Aref] June 20,cl © Vancouver Kast of June) date & location Ving b. aose Cultural Centre to be announced ia a ae 1935 Venables Ste Vancouver, B.Ce Adm. $2.00, 1.50 Curtain 8:50 p.m The Surrey Art Gallery Auxil: as postponed the opening of their Picture Loan program until the 4th Tuesday in September. The next meeting of the auxiliary will take place Wednesday, May 15th. For further information phone the arts Centre: 596-7461.