D. Internal Matters - Labour Relations At this time, I am aware of two for- malized disputes - both in process, and neither requiring the attention of the Board at this time. One of the disputes is possibly a matter for arbitration, but the Faculty Association has requested a delay in the appointment of an arbitrator. Should that matter be pursued, the Finance, Facilities and Personnel Committee of the Board will be pro- vided with full information. Internal Matters - General Teresa Inglis, of the Personnel De- partment, was given a farewell party last week. Teresa is a senior staff member, who is moving to Mexico. Mr. Stewart Graham was able to at- tend on behalf of the Board. His presence was appreciated. I am pleased to report the creation of a Staff Development Committee, involving members of the administra- tion and the staff. The purpose of this committee is to advise the Col- lege on appropriate programs of dev elopment and orientation for all staff. The Board will be provided with information as plans develop. I have just attended a two-day work- shop on Data Processing Systems for Managers at the University of B.C. It was a very worthwhile investment in time, as I feel that I havea better grasp of the field than pre- viously. I am satisfied that Douglas College is approaching the use of data processing and computer systems the right way - that is through the hiring of a systems administrator (Marsh Price) prior to the develop- ment or commitment to any particular strategy. I will be turning over the documents provided at the course to Marsh Price,.on the assumption that we may well develop an internal or- ientation program for the College administration. FRAME OF REFERENCE FOR DOUGLAS COLLEGE PERSONNEL WORKING ON THE DOUGLAS COL- LEGE INITIAL 5-YEAR EDUCATION PLAN: Ly 3. 4. 1981/82 -— 1985/86 Personnel working on this plan should be familiar with: (a) Draft Table of Contents (b) Draft Chapter Outlines - Chapters 3 through 8 (c) Draft Complete Chapters 1 and 2 (a) Initial Strategy and Timetable for Development of Douglas College 5-Year Educational Plan, 1981/82 - 1985/86 2800 FTE Student Educational Plan for Douglas College New Westmin- ster Permanent Campus (e) Personnel involved should keep in mind that the plan is intended to bea guide for college discretionary action in a world of many possibilities. ter careful consideration, the Deans have recommended to me that any spec- ific assumptions regarding overall funding will serve simply to confuse the planning process, and ultimately defeat its purpose. In every area of proposed activity of the College, the plan should provide for desirable developments within a range of modestly increased resources, as well as modestly decreased resour- ces. These developments should be prioritized. All plans and recommendations must take into account: (a) The relevant statement or state- ments of college philosophy and goals. (b) General information provided in Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4. (c) A priority range which should pro- vide for modest increases and mod- est decreases in volume of activ- ity in all areas. The priority "vocabulary" will be circulated separately by Gerry DellaMattia. W.L. Day Af- |