1988/89 MATCHING ENDOWMENT FUND ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES (Ouring the term of the program, circumstances may arise which will require changes in these Administrative Guidelines. ) OBJECTIVE: To encourage private sector contribution to the education of British Columbians through donations to endowment funds at the educational institutions in the province. Each of the Province's eligible universities, colleges and institutes will create its own endowment fund for bursaries and scholarships (Eligible institutions are listed below). FUNDING: The value of donations made to institutional endowment funds will be matched by government to a yearly maximum of $2 million, commencing April 1, 1988. ELIGIBLE DONORS: Individuals, private business and industry, community organizations, non-institutional foundations. DONATION REQUIREMENTS: The donation should benefit an institution's scholarship or bursary activities. The donation is expected to be irrevocably given to, and become an asset of, an institution. MATCHING GRANT REQUIREMENT: For the purpose of this Fund, an "endowment" is defined as: "A cash donation or group of cash donations made to an institution for scholarship or bursary purposes where the donation or group of donations will be held by the institution for at least 25 years and where only the income generated will be used for that purpose." The matching grant is to be used to benefit the institution's scholarship or bursary activities, by attracting and then matching contributions to endowment funds. In the case where an institution operates a separate Foundation for Scholarship purposes, contributions made to the Foundation will be eligible for government matching.