@ www.theotherpress.ca Feature program, brought to light by 16x9 correspondent Patrick Brown near the end of the segment, that perhaps sums up the core of the issue best. President McAlpine rebuts this point on 16x9, stating that, “Rectifying the past is not within our periphery. Can we make progress toward the future? The answer is yes. Are we? The answer is yes.” Still, the evidence of past and current academic dishonesty remains and is no less concerning for the students of Douglas College’s Canadian campuses who are left with more questions than answers. Speaking to the English competency level of some of the students enrolled in Douglas College’s China programs, one former International Education College (IEC) teacher at the Heilongjiang Institute of Science and Technology, Nicole Reader, recalls “T still don’t think that I was adequate enough to be teaching those students.” Limited to some extent by the established curriculum, Reader took it upon herself to push the students she encountered. Even still, she admits to feeling as though the program was not providing the professors—either fellow IEC teachers or Douglas College professors—with the necessary resources or the framework to provide the students the opportunity to learn the language at a college level. “These kids would have had a hope and could have succeeded and thrived and not be where they are instead of just having these degrees being pumped out,” Reader said. Later recalling a time that she remembers Douglas College professors requesting Douglas College to supply proper English teachers, to come and teach the students, Reader remembers the answer being, simply put, “no.” “T felt bad for the [Douglas College] professors and for the students [of the program]. They were left with the Chinese faculty having to choose what teachers would be adequate.” Considering the rate at the time for IECs was 5,000 Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) per month—or 4,500 CNY in Reader’s case (or approximately $500 CAD in 07/08, the time of her employment)—you can imagine this monetary restriction acting as a limiting factor. But English competency upon graduation for Douglas College’s China program students is only one example of the disparity present between the requirements enforced in Canada and China. While there are cultural differences and idiosyncrasies to be considered—not the least of which is an educational milieu drastically different from our own—the fact remains that the degrees up for grabs abroad are no different from those obtained here at home. Consider the following hypothetical situation: Student A attends classes in New Westminster; Student B attends classes at David Lam. Student A is required to meet the minimum entrance requirements of a grade of aC in English 12; Student B is only required to display a rudimentary understanding, with no formal documentation or credential. Student A is put on a waiting list to gain admittance to a class; Student B is admitted regardless and without question. Student A is paying $15,000 CAD for four years of study (not including additional fees and textbooks); Student B is paying less than $10,000 (all inclusive). Student A fails their course and is provided with little to no options to appeal or make up; Student B is provided with as many make up exams as is required for them to pass their course. Student A passes their program with a CGPA of 2.5; Student B passes the exact same program with a CGPA of 4.05 due to academic tampering and the philosophy that “everyone graduates.” Reader comments that, “I had to leave [China], knowing and hearing stories that my students’ grades would be changed. Students that I did fail, would pass.” Though never witnessing it herself, Reader goes on to say that “they would make the exams easier, and easier, and easier, and it would be the Chinese faculty—not the professors of Douglas College.” This, according to sources, is the situation in regards to Douglas College’s China programs. What does this mean for Student A and Student B from our example? Student A represents every student currently enrolled at New Westminster and David Lam; Student B represents every student attending classes at SIFT and HIST as part of Douglas College’s Canadian degree China program. With sources saying fewer and fewer Douglas College faculty are directly involved in the program in China, with purportedly up to 4/5 of the instruction being done by Chinese faculty in Chinese, who stands to benefit from the current system? It’s certainly not the China program students who earn their BBAs and are unable to understand English, and it’s most certainly not the Canadian students who are left facing an increasingly competitive post-graduation market. a What does the prestige of a Canadian degree mean? Being awarded a degree from Canada (in this case, a bachelor’s in Business Administration) is evidence that a student has mastered the skills that any Canadian undergraduate student would have— including full English skills. With English being the second-most spoken language in the world after Mandarin, Chinese national students are inclined to learn English as a business skill in networking and for an inroad to the international job market. A potential employer in China would likely be very impressed by a Canadian degree because it implies that the graduate has the English language fluency necessary to obtain a Canadian undergraduate degree. International education market “International education is worth about $7 billion a year to the Canadian economy. For Chinese students who don’t have the money to study overseas, a foreign education inside China is an affordable option,” reports 16x9 correspondent Patrick Brown. International education is a great way for students to become immersed in new culture, learn, travel, and network. It is actively promoted countrywide by the Canadian Consortium for International Education Marketing (CCIEM). Schools involved in the consortium send representatives across the globe to attract students to their institutions. Douglas College is tied to the CCIEM by means of membership to the Association of Canadian Community Colleges. International education is a financially lucrative endeavour which is beneficial for both schools that host international students and schools that send students abroad—many conferences are held worldwide with the purpose of enticing students to study abroad. Douglas College offers many field schools for its own domestic and international students to take part in. Some field schools, like the Wales Field School, also link students through to foreign universities where Douglas Associate of Arts and Science degrees are accepted to finish their undergraduate education. What's at risk? As is outlined in the conclusion of the 16x9 segment by former Dean of Commerce and Business Robert Buller, if the standard of education for students studying at HIST /SIFT is not raised to the level of regular Douglas College students, the student population and reputation of the college stands to suffer. The student population of Douglas College has a vested interest in the enforcement of Douglas educational standards when the school’s reputation and the perceived value of their education is at stake. As we await the result of the upcoming external review, as well as seek further comment, stay tuned for more information as it becomes available to us. 13