— LAS Mt re, | Celt Pear j ARCHIyec | Mad Hatter Page 9 TUMVES | Torna | —— — Se (1830 - 2000 hours) in the Athletics cont. Soccer The Men's Soccer team coached by Peter McCluskie defeated Royal Roads last Saturday at Sapperton Park 2-0. Good Game Guys! Next game: Sapperton Park October 13, 1984 130900 hours Against Malaspina College Much appreciation to last year's coach Chris Bowcott for donating two goal nets to the College team. Finances being what they are these days, it's great to be given equip- ment rather than having it stolen or lost. More Soccer News The Staff and Faculty indoor soccer team is holding their own this year and team organizer Steve Sale is busy refereeing until his knee is fit enough to resume playing. Spectators are welcome to cheer on the teams as the upper level doors will be open. Karate Anyone? Karate with instructor Paul Mesely is under way on Tuesdays and Fridays!I choose not to smoke. Instructor Combatant's Room. Judo Judo has also begun with practices on Mondays and Wednesdays 19 00 hours) (17:30 in the Combatant's Room. - Frank Parker. Wrestling Wrestling will begin this week with newly selected coach Bill McCrae from SFU's program. His phone number is 936-7364 for any of your students who might be interested in Varsity Wrestling. Reminder! Don't miss the All-Star Benefit Hockey Game at Queen's Park Arena on October 15, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. ‘Tickets are available by contacting Betty Lou Hayes at local 5338. ——— Following Through on Smoking Regulations {Warning! Danger to health increases jwith amount smoked -- avoid inhaling | \So says the Department of Health and Welfare. | I acknowledge