on in the College. They represent appropriate adaptive responses to the environment, but they are based on the assumption of an ongoing excellent instructional and student services program. Thus, the continued reference to faculty renewal and human capital investment. Other activities that are going on at the College at this time of a significant nature clearly include progress on review of our governance system, the working through of implementation of the recommendations for administrative improvement, and the activities of the Humanities Institute = an increasingly interesting and vital part of the College program, based on the volunteer efforts of faculty under the leadership of Jim Davies. We have all been impressed by summer project activities centered in the Biology Department. Because at these meetings it has been my habit to talk too long, and not provide enough time for interaction and follow-up, 1 merely name these matters, to indicate that I would be happy to respond to questions, concerns, and statements not only on the matters I have focused on but other matters that are of significance to the College. The floor is now open. To All Personnel From October 26th through November 11, 1985, while I am in Japan and Hong Konq, Pr. Verry Clement will be Acting College President. Terry may be reached in his office, #4900B, by phone at local 4904, or through my or fice. I will be back on Tuesday, November 12th. Bill Day Reminder Canada Saving Bonds Payroll Savings Plan Information Meeting There will be an information meeting for any regular employee interested in participating in the above savings plan. The meeting will be held on Thursday, October 31, 1985 between 12:00 and 1:00 P.M. in the College Boardroom, 4th floor, South Building. New Deadline for Mad Hatter Submission The Public Information Office will be changing the issuance date of the Mad Hatter from Wednesdays to Mondays in order to provide a full week's information. The deadline for submission of copy will, therefore, change from Thursday Noon to Tuesday Noon, starting Tuesday, November 5 for the November 11 issue. Colleen Tosin Editor, Mad Hatter