Facilities (Secvicea hepartmant will issue signed and date _ stamped parking passes for the required day and mark. on the passes the name of the meeting group The passes will be sent to the requesting department. Passes will be valid only for the date stamped on ‘them The department organizing the meeting will send out the parkin ; passes to the volunteers as part of the agenda package. In the event that no agenda is being sent out, the passes can be given out to the volunteers at the meeting. Lot in the usual way by pulling a ticket from the dispenser. turn in their no-charge passes along with the tickets. Impark will retain the no-charge passes and return them to the Facilities Services Department with the regular monthly state- ment. This will serve as a check and control on the number of passes being issued. anal reich opening countries (foe their classes - not their private Cet tegpictet) Also peedad is the white cardboard usually found in stocking packages. Please send the above at your earliest convenience to Mary Eady, Room 3600, Arts & Humanities Department. Volunteers will enter the parking t When exiting the volunteers will Mad Hatter Page 4 =<) Not Just Pin Money The book, “Not Just Pin ey is available in the Douglas College © Bookstore. of Ms | | hy (i UM Selected Essays On The History of Women’s Work In British Columbia Editors: — Barbara K; Latham and Robere J, Pad.