ALL Suppor T S772 = NOTICE OF MEET IN G POUGLAS COLLECE LIBRARY ARCHIVE é G The next Staff Association Executive meeting will be an open meeting with two BCGEU representatives in attendance to answer questions from staff. If you would like to find out more about the BCGEU and how it concerns you, please attend. This is an open meeting for all support staff. The meeting will be held-- Tuesday, 29 October 1974 Music Room, Moody Park Recreation Centre 6th Avenue & 8th Street, New Westminster 7 7 = 9 pm Some things you might like to discuss are; -salary levels . -classification (job description) -vacation working conditions -educational leave -leave of absence -benefits. What are your concerns? your ideas? your priorities? Bring them to the meeting--we hope to see you there, THE STAFF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE