Opinions Punishment vs. Consequences By Siavash Emamzadeh | Skipins is a crime. That’s the message I got in my high school days. I was a chronic skipper back in the day—and quite a sly one at that, may I add. Evidently I was not sly enough, however, as I recall being caught and forced to henceforth submit my instructors’ signatures, confirming my class attendance. I incurred more finger wagging than an overly-fervent NHL referee pointing to the puck after a goal. slapped on skippers, in the sense that a counsellor. It’s very conceivable that such punishments do not rectify the the “skipper” in question isn’t simply wrongdoing at its root. It simply deals evading attendance to hang out at the with the problem mall, but rather is peripherally, paving “The abuse of seeking to deal with the way for future a crippling shyness. repetitions. power can There could be a host In the case of have dramatic of other repairable and yours truly, a lot of the ” legitimateexplanations. time I actually feared eff ects. It’s ultimately just as punishment more than significant to explain I considered introspecting or discussing why the decision to skip is harmful— not I often question the harsh discipline my reasons for skipping with peers or only what will happen if the decision is executed. Skipping can be likened to opting against wearing a seatbelt. The disciplinary ramifications of not wearing a seatbelt can be hefty, but the clearly more important hazard is the’ jeopardy of one’s life. To some people, however, it may be a matter of playing hide-and- seek with the cops, rather than being genuinely concerned with their life on the line. This may be a blind stab in the dark, but perhaps, in part, the reason that some people abhor principals, teachers, police officers or other authority figures is that they seem to exhibit such apathy for those they punish. While this is not always be true, power does have the competence to drill a profound hole in one’s head and surge it with a massive boost of ego. But ideally, the attendance sheets and tickets are meant to remind us of the danger we are inviting. Needless to say, authority figures harbour substantial powers of intervention, but as is so often reverberated, the abuse of power can have dramatic effects. The best way to ulitize their own authority for maximum impact is to thus focus on highlighting the truly-inevitable consequences of our actions. I’m sure the majority of us are cognizant of the risks of our conduct, but for the minority out there, punishment needs to have a clearer meaning. I think it most cases, authority figures have the best intentions in their hearts, but maybe they have to rethink their tactics. To them, the serious risks of rule-breaking might be so blatant that they expect us to engage in some self-discovery and simple contemplation. So, which one needs to be done? It’s your call, but to me, it might be a fusion of both. Why do some people use straws on hot drinks? OP Imponderables with Crystal Auffray S ee that girl who just grabbed a straw at Starbucks? Am I the only one wondering why you need a straw to consume a hot beverage (besides the very obvious “I want to burn the roof of my mouth off”)? Maybe I have been terribly unobservant until this point in time, but I seem to notice this trend occurring more and more. I have been utterly perplexed as to why people purposefully reach for the straw as soon as the barista calls out “Tall, non-fat, extra-hot mocha!” So, after much pondering, I came up with some possibilities: Theory 1: Trendiness—maybe LC and Heidi were using straws on The Hills? If LC and Heidi were doing it, then it must be cool. Theory 2: Practicality—if you’re not wearing long-lasting lipstick, you definitely don’t want your lips all over the lid of the coffee cup. Trés unattractive. Theory 3: Good oral hygiene—the desire to have the most gleaming pearly whites, free from nasty coffee stains. Theory 4: Clumsiness—without the straw, would the drink end up all over the place, specifically, on one’s face? I still don’t have any conclusive evidence, but I would very much appreciate some measure of a straight answer from any straw lovers out there...