the ther Press Volume 23 © Issue 21 © March 10 1999 Room 1020-700 Royal Avenue New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 Fax//604.525.3505 or 604.527.5095 Phone//604.525.3542 David Lam Campus Room a3107 Phone//604.527.5805 The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student newspaper. We've been publishing since 1976. The Other Press is run as a non- hierarchical collective, which means that if anything goes wrong, none will take the blame. Expect us to pass the buck. The OP is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters and monthly [as a magazine] during the summer. When we manage to publish at all. In this case, we blame technology. We receive our funding from a student levy collected every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. But, if you really want it, we'll give you your money back. Please, don’t ask. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a cooperative of student newspapers from across Canada. We adhere to CUP’s Statement of Common Principles and Code of Ethics—not that we claim to understand them, we just stick by them. The Other Press reserves the right to choose what to publish, and what not to publish, but usually we print everything, unless it is racist, sexist or homophobic. If you have any quibbles with what we choose, maybe you should get your lazy butt down here and help. No, really. We can use the help. Coordinators Athletics ~ Hamish Knox Coq. Athletics ~ Mike Quong Culture ~ Jen Swanston a& Coq. Culture ~ Ryan Kuzek Coquitlam ~ Lorenzo Sia CUP Liaison ~ Cathy Tan Distribution ~ Pierre Florendo Features ~ Annette Martin & Jen Swanston - News ~ Annette Martin OP/Ed ~ Tom Laws Coq. OP/Ed ~ Michael Cox Photography ~ Dave Tam Photo Assistant: Kristina Holtz Production ~ Bodie Duble Webslinger ~ Mark Smeets Employees New West Advertising ~ Vacant Coquitlam Advertising ~ John Morash Bookkeeping ~ Zahra Jamal Production Resource ~Joyce Robinson Editorial Resource ~ Corene McKay Contributors Jimminhanada, Sarah, Tom's Chemistry Homework, the BioHazard baggie by the Law Courts, those halycon days of yore, a veratil fluid whose boiling point remains a mystery, cuastic cleaners that don’t really clean stuff, 2 March 10 1999 Devil’s Advocate A different take on March 5 Devil's Advocate Women’s Day. Bah humbug. If women had any more of a cakewalk through life, if the law didn't bend over backwards to accommodate them, if the rest of the world didn’t bow to meet their commands, they would no longer be labeled “women” or “womyn” but Yahweh or Allah. Perhaps a few years ago women could not get impartial- ity in the eyes of the law, but now the roles have been re- versed and it is nearly impossi- ble for a male to have fairness on his side before a judge. The most common argu- ment that women are “op- pressed” is that men have the option of leaving a female after conception, and having the mother left with a child to care for. There is new law being written by women that will decimate any type of fair play established in the court system. There are literally hun- dreds of cases of women suing men for breach of contract. The story usually goes that the men agreed to marry the women, and later on dumps her and marries someone else. There is no written contract, and a verbal contract usually will not suffice for a court of law, but somehow, these women win the lawsuits. There are no children involved, and the man did not get her pregnant and leave, he just didn't keep his promise of marriage. Even if there are children involved, say if the man got the woman pregnant and then left, women still seem to be winning lawsuits. In itself, this probably wouldn't be so bad if men could Letter countersue and have a hope in hell of winning. There are four such countersuits that were tried, three laughed out of court, and one pending. The one pending goes thus: A man and a woman were together for many years, and children were discussed early on and it was decided that they weren't wanted. The man wore a condom and the woman took birth control,-so both parties were equally responsible for preventing a mishap like preg- nancy to begin with. However, they both agreed that neither wanted a child at that time in their lives and that if such an unlikely occurrence would happen, the fetus would be aborted. Whether you believe in abortion or not is irrelevant here. The man’s condom broke, and the woman forgot to take her pill for three days out of the week, and thus got pregnant. When she told her partner, he was under the impression that it would be aborted as discussed. She, however, changed her mind and decided to have the child. In itself, her changing her mind is fine, every human in the world should have that right, but it was her deception which is evil. Her partner had told her before that he wanted nothing to do with a child, and so he left the relationship, which is also fine, as he had made his inten- tions quite clear at the begin- ning. The woman, however, felt that he should pay for his half of the DNA and filed a paternity suit to get child support and, surprise surprise, won. The man was outraged. When he came before the judge, he told him of their agreement, and the woman verified it. But the judge still decided in her favour. An outrage! Somehow the same law that allows a woman to change her mind does not also allow for a man to change his. The verbal agreement that is held so dear in women defend- ant cases is thrown out the window when the defendant has a penis. Feeling he was wronged, the man countersued the woman for breech of contract. He was not out to ruin her, and sued only for the amount of child support he would have to pay every month because of the woman winning her lawsuit. He stated, in the exact same manner as women do when they sue a man who promised to marry them and didn't, that the woman did not hold up her end of their agreement. He said that merely because he believed she was telling the truth when she said she would abort, he should not be held liable for the child she, on her own, decided to have. The case will probably never make it to court, and will probably be laughed out like the others. And the old argument about judges giving custody to mothers more than fathers in divorce cases still applies, although this number is, theo- retically, going down. But there was a case a few years back, | where a prominent business man divorced his wife because site had become addicted to heroin and was selling their assets for cash, and he tried to get cus- tody of his children for obvious reasons. The court, however, felt that the heroin addicted single mother would be a much better parent than would a father with a stable home life and assets enough to provide necessities for his children. And then there are the men’s clubs. In Edmonton, Alberta about ten years back, there was a place called the Derrick club, which was a place for men to go and smoke cigars, watch hockey or football, and just generally be pigs and slobs together. Because that’s what men do. Women, however, felt it was sexist for there to be a place where men could go, and women weren't allowed. They felt it was such a danger to their being, to their womanhood, that they lobbied until a court ruled that it was sexist for men to have a place where only men could go. In addition, males are not allowed into things like the Girl Guides for example, but females are allowed into Boy Scouts. Female doctors can examine a man without anyone else in the room, but a male doctor has to have a female present. Why? Because all men will rape women. All men want nothing but hardcore anal sex and will stop at nothing to get it. All men are evil. All men want is to disgrace and defame females, and all males want nothing better than to destroy women. Wake up. Instead of ' making people friendly laws, we make gender specific laws. Instead of having places for people to gather, we make places for men and women, or just women to gather. But don’t dare say a woman is sexist. A message from the DSU At the President's Forum, held February 25, 1999, the college president, knowing the Students’ Union executive were attending the Special General Meeting, . chastised the Students’ Union for not caring about students already high debt load and spoke against the tuition fee freeze, blaming it for the lack of funding in the post-secondary system. ; We would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight. The tuition fee freeze that students in British Colum- bia have been benefiting from for the last three years has nothing to do with the lack of funding for post-secondary institutions. The culprit behind the lack of funding is the Federal Liberal government who has cut $7 billion from funding to post secondary education in the last three years. the Other Press The BC Government is one of only two provincial goverments in Canada that has not forced students to make up for the lost funding through sky high tuition fees; further, they are unique in being the only Provincial Government in Canada that is making education a priority and attempting to fund it adequately. Unfortunately, no matter how much the BC Government invests in education, if the Federal Government is insistent on hacking and slashing the education budget, provincial governments are going to have less and less to work with each year. Administrators, placing the blame on the only provincial government that is making education a priority, are not doing their research and are doing more harm to the fight for accessible, affordable, fully funded public education. The President's comments regarding the Educational Technology Fee ($50) that the Student's Union refused to hold a referenda for, when we were willing to take our members’ money for Performing Arts and Activities and Intramurals ($9), are also equally uninformed. — As your Students’ Union we have representation on as many college committees for which we can find interested bodies. Our representatives have consistently seen money wasted and misspent by these commit- ‘tees. An unproven, yet interest- ing, example comes from the Educational Technology Forum. Laptops were bought for faculty use but could not be accounted for - when an informal survey was done, by Students’ Union staff, it appeared that the lap- tops may have been misallocated to the administrators and people in the Computer Systems Department who have not only one desk computer per person but a laptop as well, the same kind as the missing faculty laptops. So, while administra- tors can have their choice of which computer to use, ten to fifteen faculty are huddled over one computer. While the Ed Tech Forum is not the only place in the college where money appears to be wasted and misspent, this particular situation supports our mistrust in handing over lump sums of our members money to the college, who will not allow students any real imput into how this money is spent. The decision making process, for how fees are spent, is where the real difference lies continued on page 3