TO: COLLEGE BOARD = 8 On February 26th, I chaired the second meeting on the Ministry Committee concerned with educational use of computers in colleges and institutes. The response to the White paper produced by the committee's predecessor has been vigorous. The outcomes of the committee's work at provincial policy level will be constructive for the college and institute system, and for the students we serve. Dr. Gerry DellaMattia has recently been named to the steering committee of a major research project, funded by the federal government, on the subject of part-time student access to colleges and institutes across the country. Dr. DellaMattia attended the first meeting in Ottawa (at federal expense) last week. Douglas College will be one of 30 colleges and institutes across the country involved in the research project. It will involve us in a stimulating area of research, and directly address concerns that were voiced during our self-study by the visiting evaluation team, and by the Board itself over this past year. At the last Management Committee meeting, we were pleased to welcome Dr. Paul Gallagher, President of Vancouver Community College, for an informal discussion on current development and trends within the ACCC, and the relationship of individual colleges to that organization. Internal Matters - Education Meetings have been ongoing during the month of January, regarding the preparation of our second 5-Year Plan. All documentation is complete, and work has started at the departmental level. Qn January 21, there was a major meeting of all the parties involved in the Maple Ridge joint education activities, at Maple Ridge. We expect that the Community Education Centre will be in full operation in September, as scheduled. Rita Chudnovsky, of the Community Programs & Services Division, has been working on approaches to the Canadian Jobs Strategy by the College, that are complementary to initiatives in the private sector, and by school districts. As the Board knows, the College exists in a complex of overlapping institutions and activities, and therefore it is important that we do not get into wastefully competitive activities with other institutions. We expect that within the next couple of months, we will have been able to identify our objectives and role regarding the Canadian Jobs Strategy with reasonable clarity. As a result of the Board's concerns regarding the radical drop in the level of enrollment of part-time students, Gerry DellaMattia and I met with Marian Exmann, Coordinator of the Women's Centre, in order to discuss aspects of the problem.