MAD HATTER 4 CHALLENGE ’87 Last summer a total of | 6 projects were funded and 28 students were hired under the Challenge '86 program at Douglas College. The projects were very successful and provided an opportunity for career-related em- ployment to students. We are hopeful this program will continue in 1987 with similar guidelines. The deadline for applications will be approximately the beginning of March. Interested faculty or staff are encouraged to plan poss- ible projects now. An announcement will be made in the Mad Hatter as soon as any additional information or appli- cations are available. Patty Lewis, Student Placement CAFETERIA HOURS The following are the hours of opera- tion for the Upper Cafeteria during the Christmas period: December {5 to 18: Servery: 0900 - 1500 hours Fast Food: 0730 - 1800 hours December 19: Servery: 0900 - 1500 hours December 22 & 23: Fast Food: 0730 - 1500 hours December 28 to 30: Fast Food: 0900 - 1500 hours January 2: Fast Food: 0900 - 1500 hours January 5 onward: Return to regular hours of operation Closed on Saturday December 20, 27 and January 3. Paul Hodson Acting Manager of Logistical Services SPRING 1987 REGISTRATION Registration will take place onTues- day, January 6, Wednesday, January 7 and Thursday, January 8 - 3rd floor, North Building. A “Registration Orientation” will be held on Monday, December |5 at 1430 hours in room 1814. Details of the set- up and any procedural changes will be provided during the orientation. Data Entry Stoff: A “data entry refresher’ will be avail- able on December 16, 17 & 18. Please coniact Kathy Rai at local 461! 6 io book a timeslot. Anyone who is new to the data entry station should also contact Kathy to arrange for a training session. Judy Thomas VACATION | will be taking vacation from December 22, 1986 to January 2, 1987. | would ask that the Acting Dean, who is the former Director, act as the Acting Acting Director for the Acting Director. Connie Land roa I.M.S. CHRISTMAS CLOSING I.M.S. will be closed for the holiday season from December 22 thru Jan- uary 5. Please submit your January requirements prior to this closure. Seasons Greetings from I.M.S. David, Heather, Rosemary, Bruce, Glen AN INVITATION Faculty, staff and students are invited to view the creations resulting from the most unique program offered by Douglas College. The Musical Instrument Construction class of 1986 will hold a two-day ex- hibition of handmade instruments by the students in the foyer of the library on January 12 & 13 between 1000 and 1600 hours. The exhibtion will feature many types of acoustic guitars, renaissance lutes as well as some very unusual instruments. The students will be on hand to answer questions and demonstrate their instruments. Michael Dunn X-MAS GIFT Day ski trip to Manning Park. Tran- sportation only $27, plus equipment $35. Date: Saturday, January 31, 1987. Contact: Wilda at local 5020 to book your space. Friends and family welcome.