Pe SE oa KRERKKKK KEK KKK KEKE ER RARE KEKE EK RARE RRRE RRR ER ERR RR RERE REE RERERRRK KKK RKARER *KIDS KRISTMAS KAPERS* With Hallowe'en just about upon us, it seems rather premature to be talking about Xmas parties. However, we hope to organise a kids' party (for parents as well) on Saturday, December 20th in the 4-Room Complex, Surrey campus, : To assist jn the early planning, I would appreciate it if you will indicate below if you are interested and how many children you will be DPPINSINE 6 tec. I would also like to ask for volunteers from the faculty and staff to entertain this year, Last year Len Whiteley,Simon Foulds, and Emmett Casey, to name a few, provided the entertainment, but this year we would like a few more. If you can do conjuring tricks, sing, dance, play musical instruments, or whateyer, and, whether you have children or not, please indicate below if you will volunteer your services. nee Chris Johrson Many thanks. HAKAAKKEKKKKKEKAK KKK KKK ERE E KEK EK EKER ERK EEK ER EK RE REE EEREREREREREERERERERKK KIRKE Lg) Pr eet peters rate pieiiem ino ian ie ite eat rennet ~---, will be interested in the Xmas party and will be bringing ------------- children. I should like to entertain at the party. Name; Act: (7?) KRARKARERKRK KE KKK AKRKEKRRE REEK BEEK AKER KBE RE EER RR ERE RERERRERERR KARR EREER RIERA