Monday, September 30, 1975. Volume 146 SPM ECM SS Sa! boca! alate on S900 LER Br 8 OLE aiier oe AR rer + ne. & fe len ieee a 3 WA WAUA EGR AUC HML Eee s Seica. ty ie M"atbesg cat ons: ip. iuligNer alle ieicelane ne, Sule reel Slee. a THOSE: “CGMMUNT TY": GOLLEGES 6 54 tai ae dees he eed & cule sO PADRE enter Staten roots aa ralym salle ark @ Sew tele 1d SMe OneNe IR awe sete 10 PERE SS esr EP NEGO i oie a tice pe eee ae W © dale WR ONE Neemeral we La RPI Se acd hk pe lads RG Ne tte and 8 pel ain. Sey ae eae e tela a mi tle ade a a ee ae ACRBEPIY TO Ay REPLY iiss cems oe ee eee i ead desis See ae LONG RANGE WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 Sunny with cloudy periods, no rain. Some early morning fox, patches. No significant rainfall in signt. Maximum temperatures 65°F to 70°F (18°C to 21°C). The fine weather which has prevailed through much of September will continue in early October (Computer forecast) as a large high pressure area continues to dominate the weather over Bb. C. thus effectively steering Pacific storms well away from the coast. Indications are that this winter will be unusual!--more on this next week. Blane Coulcher PPL ASTRO iA ay peot Lon of Principal's Counenl, materral appearing in The Mad Hatter is processed through the Ad- mission's Office without ab- ridgment or editing, except for requirements of space limitations and legal ‘con- siderations.