Brady Ehler, Stand In Web-Surfer, Internet Super-Highway Hitchhiker y give their lives vali f their boring and pretentious unfunny writing. I'm not sure if “The Best Page in the ace? is really a blog per se, though the content is mostly made up of opinions articles by an exceptionally literate (and angry) 26 year old known simply as “Maddox.” For the sake of this: article, let us assume that The Best Site in the Universe is a blog site. Here are ten reasons why Maddox’s site is superior to the run-of-the-mill blog page: 1. Tr’s Funny. 2 The writing is about as close to being politically correct as Kate Moss is to a sumo wrestler in training. 3. There is no bullshit about Maddox’s daily life. 4. There is a section where hate mail is hilariously deconstructed and thrown back at the senders. 5. There is a section where Maddox makes fun of crappy drawings by children. 6. There are graphs, comics, and other images throughout the articles, all of which are hilarious. V There is an entty called “Christopher Reeve is an asshole.” 8. It’s so pretentious that it’s not. 9. There is an entry about how much blogs suck. 10, 138,080,630 have visited Maddox site as of the time this article was written. I can’t get enough of this site. It’s consistently hilarious and no- holds barred. And here’s the best parts: After reading the articles on The Best Site in the Universe, no longer do I question whether or not I am the only person with a burning hatred for Cameron Diaz; no longer do I contemplate whether [ am the only person on Earth that thinks 95 percent of Hollywood movies are complete garbage; and no longer do I wonder whether there is someone else out there who thinks the bleeding hearts should stop whining about McDonalds because of how many animals die to be processed into burgers, and start whining about how much the food sucks instead. What really inspired my devotion as an eternal fan of the site was a response to an email typed in all caps, which sufficiently explained the stupidity of anyone writing hate mail in all caps, because God, I hate that. As a student of creative writing, | bow to this page. The writing is brilliant, it is what I aspire to be able to write myself. If I could write as well, as creatively, or as hilariously as Maddox, I sure as hell wouldn't be writing this for The Other Press...not that The Other Press isn’t awe- some; it is, it’s just that if I was as good a writer as Maddox, I’d be sell- ing this article. Brady Ebler is the hee Press as teiage es aia mas not ne for this Seven out-of-ten NET nerds agree... | found it on teh interweb is funnier than paying for Linux software. www.|604. 322. 1164|info@mawovancouver. org