Dear TELUS; Part Il Ieee As you loyal fallawers af the OP knew: | recently wrare a rant in these pages eamplain- ing about the standard af LUS services, the Fising cnst af said service, and my dissatisfaction therewith, | wrote that letter shortly hefare Chrismas, This New Years plus about a weeks hig less a fee than Daren snpwietle, President, CEQ, and “Proud member of the TELUS teqin” fespanded ta mY CAREERS: ~The fespange teak the form af a letter ne doubt hand-typed by Enpyietle himecl falded infamy monthly bill, Ik was signed with the seal af the pip | know it was genuine (net te mention appropriate), The lerter yead In parts “Reently, same aspects af aur service have nat heen at the levels you deserve [| winning your canfidence and retain- ing yeHF business demands that we exceed par gnly industry standards, bur alse yeHF expectations af He.” And similar sentiments: Remi ta sap am offering Mp Enpwisele and Ca, fe less than the chance ta exceed my expecta tans (which shauldn' Re di ficult, as they aren't very high): | assume all Fhis ean: Hitian had seme painp— surely they wouldn't Kill all these frees jHat ta stuff envelapes with meaningless, insincere gable, wauld they? As an ex-Cathelic, I'm famil- iar with Contritian: In spire af the medern perception, the penitent is enjeined ta say 4 few Hail Marys, and a Gloria ar pve, then enigined ta ge: Bur ae quite —firer, the sinner is encautaged ta “go and sin Ag mare.” “Secondly, eantitian is expected to be genuine The contite persan ts expected fa shaw thar they mean ip tn the Dark Ages, this foak the farm of indulgences—gifts of maney exchanged for far glyeness Latter-day Catholicism takes a dim view af this, since if encourages the rich fa think they ean get away with things auch as murdering their ex-wives aleng with Fheir new heyfriends. molesting 10- year-alds in thelr persanal theme parks. ar even driving drunk on fepical islands, While Mp Enpyistle’s ler rer seemed sincere, | feel strongly thar it ie ime fer him Fa, a8 we say in the pews: “put his money where his manth ie” and demanstrate the sincerity af his cant: Hon: JF it was gaad enough far the Arehdincese af Basten, it gught ta be gaad eneueh far TELUS, right? $e the follawing ie @ farm letter pains to Femedy the current stuation: Note the handy dared lines—all you need ta da is cut it gue and ape Ea i Box an a Daughs College: Music gram at Douglas College: Science Last CD in pare Cee Last ED in pine oe apanese Rack Arabic Sang right Haul? hat do you think Bill Gates & doing | have ne idea: Watching TY? | dent AW: Whats your favourite vides game af yt as SAWIE 4 Dynasty Warriors What the bell are you daing heve an 4 Sunday What the hell are you doing here on a afieruagne Sunday afernean? Studying fer a calculus quiz: I'm here fe practise plane: __Fehruaty 4 2004 re Pe Tee a ELI eI ete SY mall iffe: | Barren Entwistle sire, j President, CBO, Proud member af the TELUS team : Floar 8, $35 Robsan §t- | Vancouver, BE VaR 3K8 | ——— THE Mi nai nai miniagisgiti@nigz — | mi iminrinainimaingimingninainmi @ a mat » Address: [oe i Dear Mi. Enbwietle: i * Thanke sa much fer your kind letter, included with my last Bill. [have read it several times, and | appreciate your depih ef eanitition in this matter: That said | ain Fareed i9 agree with your statement “levels af service have not heen at the levels [1 j deserve.” | am aware that ty business, and the Business af many af my fellow TELUS elients, ts + critical fe you: and that you are leaking very hard for 4 way te make up fer the unfortunale levels af | service that we custamers have experienced these past months: | Therefore, | would like te propase @ serendipiiqus ealuiign. Prom the tone af your letler, | ean tell (hat you are greatly disturbed at (he thought ef haying deprived pay lig cHatamers af the service they : ie: ii fact, paying for: Ta ease your eanscience and heal the deep riff hefween TELUS and its | clienfele. what is clearly called far ie a pefund ef fees. | Would you please make aut a cheque in the ameunt af $ (the sum | paid last manth far ielephone/ infermel telephone and internet services) and send it le me al the address ahaye: j This would certainly ga 4 long way foward eine ihe public Know Thal ¥en afe sincere in YOuF ta mee | cammend yeu again an your farthrightness and strength af character in admitting that | TELUS service levels were unacceptable, and wish ta extend my warmest personal cangratulatians io yeu an yeur herele effarte ta mend fences with your cualamers. j Sineerely yours | (Naine and signature here) ; Onee and future TELUS enatemer : TELUS aceauat number: . s . t ' ® . ! ' . , 5 ' . " ® . . - i t ! ! f i t : Mts Ri em Ri Rit ml me emia imiatianai Went de jou shink Hill Gates & doing right naw nae hes at home spending Hime with his amily: What’ your favanrite vides game af all ime? | dant play vides games: me Page 8 » http;//