ye me he “ —T = ovember 30, 1994 December 6 remembered Memories of December 6 massacre motivate womens' hunt for freedom from fear by Holly Keyes Walking to the college alone, intl dark, I experienced only some of that abused women must f their attacker gets closer December 6th, 198 |} day that Marc Lep Polytechnique inM and shot four- teen women, be he blamed all women for his failures. Just because they were women. After the was declared b he tragic tered |’ Ecole rs, December 6th ent a day to re- member these wt Now, the focus has changed, and larenéss is placed on women who are being:al and murdered every day by théir.husbands, lovers, friends and anonymous attac! Current statistics show that million women are physically ab} each year by their partners. Thes: bers may seem high, but rememb these are only the reported How many more are reported for fear of no’ lieved, more violence or eve Three quarters of wom their husbands were attempti: or getting a divorce. The gu barrassment of being in an a tionship may also keep a coming forward and reporting On average, if a woma & the police, she won’t make the call until after she has been hit by her husband imes. Why are women hated-still? We must ng with our practiced. : TV commercials, m newspaper ads depict women in all sorts ucts. Is it necessary for woman to be draped that vehicle? The u: cessories to s ample of omen as ac- a classic ex- men that is ac- ans believe our country is d it shock you to know that ery 17 minutes a woman is sexually ssaulted? Or that almost half of all ‘omen with disabilities are or have been abusive situations? .emory of the fourteen women December 6th 1989 and red, beaten and killed, llege Women’s Centre, ct #40 and the Student So- ciety is holding a candle-light vigil on Tuesday, December 6th in the concourse. Please come out and show your sup- port in commemorating the lives of the fourteen women brutally murdered while in their college. Come out and show your support for the end of violence towards women. | Impeachment blues hit DCSS Student Society gags selves until AGM | by Ken Spittel Douglas college student society is impeaching it’s treasurer Julian Smit. An internal gag order has been in effect. Troy Townsend, DCSS President, emphasized that, “I would like to give Julian Smit a fair chance”. The gag order was put out so ru- mours against Smit would not jepordize ‘photo by Jim his future. Smit was unavailable for comment. More information on this impeach- ment and voting will be at the AGM. Other important events on the agenda are: Apointment of a chairperson, appointment of auditors and open floor questions. The Annual General Meeting will be held November 30th, 4-6 pm in room 1614. DCSS President, as per a Society-imposed gag order, wasn't talking when asked about the whole impeachment thing last week. Hopefully, we'll be able to report something tangible when our presses fire up again in January. was part of a week-long AIDS aware- ness cam- Daigneault, | Edward, ¢ Havernick, ® \ 3 Klucznick : * MASSACRE | The Other Press Genevieve Bergeron, Helen Q Oe » re MONTREAL” Colgan, Nathalie Croteau, Barbara s200iEHOue,, Anne-Marie Sy, ANNUAL Maryse Laclair, Ann-MarieLemay, Sonia Pelletier, Michele Richard, Annie St-Aveault, Annie Turcotte neworm © WIOAJEWICZ, 4 x Langaniere, You can take control of genital herpes was diagnosed with herpres 6 years age. : ...and your life Coping with recurrent symptoms such as itching or burning pain, tingling, sores, or even localized redness in or near the genital area has never been easy. Add to this the emotional impact of guilt, resentment, depression... a disruption of daily life. Advances in medical research now enable you to do some- thing about genital herpes out- breaks. A greater understanding of genital herpes — plus the availability of affordable treat- ments, and counselling — can help you get your life essentially back to normal and potentially keep outbreaks out of the picture for years. To confidentially learn more about reducing the severity and frequency of genital herpes outbreaks, and minimizing the risk of transmission through safe sex guidelines, contact the National Herpes Hotline. CALL 1-800-HSV-FACS 1-800-478-3227 And consult your physician paign.