Mad Hatter Page 4 — Information on Recent Publications Congratulations to Alan Mcmillan on recent publications. Two books authored by Alan McMillan have appeared in print in the last year. The major work is called Alberni Prehistory published by Theytus Bools, Penticton, B.C. In this book Alan and his co-author describe the re- sults of two field seasons of exca- vation at a prehistoric native village near Port Alberni, plus one season of recording all archaedogical sites from the Alberni Valley to Barkley Sound. Also included is a detailed chapter based on research with native informants, documenting traditional uses of the land and the seasonal pattern of movement. The second publications is a smaller work, written for a local community group, the Port Moody Hstorical Society. It is titled The Original inhabitants of the Port Moody - Coquitlam area. This booklet outline the major archaelogical discoveries and the way of life of the historic native groups throughout much of the college region. Both books are available in the college library. How to Kill Student Enthusiasm and Interest Show up the first day of class un- prepared. Be sure that you arrive late. Do not have your course guide or syllabus ready to hand out. Mention that you-haven't read the text, and/or lecture om, just how bad the text is. Indicate that you are not sure just how you plan to teach the course or, if you do know, be vague. Make sure that your voice indicates that you are bored with teaching. Don't forget to let them know that very few students finish your course and tha. those that do rarely make a good grade. If you do these things on the first day, you can be sure that students will withdraw and then you will have a small class. That is your goal. Be late for class at least once a week, and/or do not begin class on time. Devote a significant amount of class time to telling bad jokes and stories that have nothing to do with the subject, and dwell on insig- nificant details. When you finally realize how little class time there is left, tell the students to read the chapter in the text, or lecture rapidly, or, even better, hold the students over at least five minutes past the dismissal time. Be sure that you let the students know that you consider office hours Teacher Exchange If you are thinking of a teacher exchange opportunity for September 1985, now is the time to begin the brocess. fontact Gerry DellaMattia for assis- Lance. a waste of time and that any time you spend with them outside of the class- room is a real sacrifice on your part. Add a little spice and play games during your office hours. Playj hide-and-seek-~you hide during your office hours, and the students run up and down the halls seeking you. Spend a lot of class time reading youw lecture notes and be sure that you read a great deal of the text to the students. Don't forget to use a4 2