B.C. Home & School Federation presents EA PARES" WORKSHOP Oi WOOL TUCWLY WRAL IS IM Friday, May 31, 1985 0900 hour - Registration and coffee 09350 hour - ‘Between Two Worlds’ Film about Multicultural Canada as seen through the eyes of Grade 9 students. Perspectives from Four ethno-cultural groups in Canada - Chinese-Canadian - [Indo-Canadian - Polish-Canadian - Hispanic-Canadian 1130 hour - “LUNCH (on your own) 1230 hour - Programmes and resources for parents and 1 teachers, Sid Bentley, Social Studies Teacher, ; William Beagel Jr. Secondary School, Surrey ; 1330 hour - How parents can promote support and complément Multicultural activities. to Ed May, Co-Ordinator Multicultural Education. B.C. Teachers’ Federation 1430 hour Beverly Nann, Project Co-Ordinator. Burnaby Multicultural Services Date Friday May 31.1985 ° Place Douglas Vollege, Royal Avenue New Westminster, Lecture Theater 2241 Time U900 to 1430 hours Fee. $500 for BC Home & Schoo! Members (bring your card) S10 rin athers REGISTRATION FORM A PARENTS’ WORKSHOP “Naune Phare tday Address Sn eee OE NEST UM reer eae ee ge eee wt = Sn oa Fe ene Sta LLO Gee. See eens Bete E Member Non Member —.... Name of Nome & School Association Make cheque payable tothe BC Home &Sehool Federation Fuether raformation call 325-442" "4 774 Columbia Strec “ew Westminster, B.C. ¥3M IBS