po aoa et ae elavemarnseceniitnig | THE MAD HATTER | ee A Douglas College Newsletter | published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in | the summer semester By Douglas College Technical and Vocational Institute i P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster,B.C, Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey campus I Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283 _ MS. ED'S NOTES: This year's student handbook inadverténtly . contains the wrong number for the college's - Coquitlam Campus. Unfortunately, the number has already received quite a number of calls for Douglas. Fortunately, she doesn't sound too angry, _ and she now has the correct number to give | people who call her. However, perhaps it would help both her and us if we inform ' students in whatever way we can, that the | number in the handbook is wrong. THE CORRECT NUMBER IS 525-9211. For all new staff and faculty, and for those elephants who "never forget", here are some of the Mad Hatter's guidelines and deadlines: -deadline is the Thursday noon before Monday distribution) -submissions should be limited to 1 page, except for policy statements or position | papers which can be appended on the per- mission of a dean or the principal; I -we won't reprint lengthy articles from | other publications - or photocopied brochures or flyers; -all reports, letters and notices to carry the name of the originator. On j request it may be possible for the | name to be published, but the editor must know who it is from 5 { -all submissions should be typed, single ! spaced, on one half of a white sheet of paper as this. Please no photocopies - they would be barely readable when re-printed in the hatter: -classified-type ads accepted, with the exception of real estate ads. } The Mad Hatter is your newsletter. | These guidelines are intended only to make it more quickly readable and interesting for all of ' us. Suggestions for improvements welcomed: Notice Boar —— PARKING Limited parking is an aggravation at Douglas College, N.W. Campus. This situation is fully recognized by the 8 College but there are only limited possibili- m ties of improvement. 8 being investigated but the problem will remain. § It is therefore necessary to solicit your 8 co-operation in respect to parking only in 8 approved parking spaces. These possibilities are Approved legal park- ing is designated by white lined parking stalls § Do not leave your car parked outside of a 8 designated parking space. printed in the handbook belongs to a woman who 8 OR towed away if illegally parked. 8 event, persons unable to locate their car should § check with the N.W. Police Department. Pool Parking Lot. The New Westminster Fire Department requires § that free access fire lanes be maintained. It 5 will be necessary to tow away any illegally B parked cars. Persons suffering mechanical breakdown should 8 advise the Campus Supervisor and arrange to ® remove the vehicle as soon as possible. § special arrangements are made, cars parked in- definitely, apparently abandoned, will be towed b away. Unless Cars missing from Campus may have been stolen In any The College will not be held liable for any § damage to vehicles towed away. Relief from a tight parking situation on Campus is generally available at the Canada-Games At the request of the N.W. Recreation Centre Management, please use the 6th Avenue entrance only. We have been asked nut to park adjacent to the Curling Rink. May we please have your co-operation in the use of the marked parking space only. Thanks. B NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS SUPERVISOR Ken McCoy September, 1977 LOST at Douglas College - slim black Parker pen with gold stripes. Reward - Phone 525-9211, Loc. 40. -