18 New West Library hceieeneieneemnannieensiimietan manent ation aot cat . FILMS ARRIVING Suis tee ee HOT FOOD ON SURREY CAMPUS! ! Rohody Waved. Goodbye Pr ees cooked on the spot hamburgers, Soviet Union - Epic Land A. Royick as es Fishing at the Stone Weir hot dogs,’ french fries, hot chocolate, B. Coulcher : ‘ ls. The North Has Changed E. Peerless ; weekly =pCeles Paddle to the Sea M. Hodgson location: North Fast corner of cafeteria My Financial Career M. Hodgson . Open dally in a.M.-7P.M. Oct. 16, 1973. . Sky D. Shergill THANK YOU Fort Who J. Gresko TT Age of the Buffalo J. Gresko I want to say a very sincere ° "thank-you" for the kindness Bots Dts abe is. and sympathy expressed to me. Behavior Modification D. McEachern Sheila Thompson Linda R Gunson Audio Visual Librarian DOUGLAS COLLEGE FACULTY ASSOCIATION RICHMOWD CAMPUS The October General Meeting of the Association is to be held Monday, October It is with considerable pleasure that 22nd, 1973, at 4:20 p.m. in the New we announce that Linda Taylor has Westminster Forum Complex. agreed to act as our Administrative Representative at Richmond. It will Prospective Members are invited to attend. be greatly appreciated if you will Annual subscriptions will be accepted at direct any requests relating to the Meeting. administrative, operational, or maintenance problems at Richmond to John Hazell, Secretary. Linda. She will do her best to help you or will see that your requests are forwarded to the proper department Oct. 19, 1973. for handling. New Westminster Library FILMS ARRIVING R. R. Lisson Invisible Crippler T. Bowden . isor, Purchasin . . eaysiy 6 Oct. 22, 1973. : SEES Illegal Abortion W. Patts Who is Sylvia J. McGilvery The Other Russia A. Royick At the Winter Sea Ice Camp - Pt. 1 & 2 P. Herndl At the Caribou Crossing B. Coulcher North Pacific E. Peerless Salmon - Struggle for Survival E. Peerless Oct. 23, 1973. Four Families T. Snelgrove Mac Beth C. Rideout Oct. 25, 1973. Three Approaches to Psyco-Therapy - Pt. 1 A. Frost