MAD HATTER 2 Job Club cont. The first major step is to develop a posi- tive attitude towards finding employment - a difficult task for people who may have been on unemployment or welfare for a long Time. "We eventually get the students helping each other find job contacts, and you know, that's how most jobs are found -- through word of mouth." "That's how | found this job," she admits. Job Club Looks at Individual's Interests The fact is, 80 per cent of all job openings are unadvertised, and the positions are filled either by a person who knows the employer, or the first job-seeker to con- tact the company. "The second most successful way to find work is to contact an employer directly and ask for an interview right away," she says. The Job Club attacks the problems of un- employment at their roots -- by looking at each person's interests, skills and values. Students are encouraged to draw up a list of potential jobs and then to priorize them. But the most important thing is to give people the ability to be realistic, she says. This includes teaching participants to write an effective resume and how to properly fill in application forms. Students even get to watch themselves on video tape to see where their best points are in an interview. And there is one last point, Somerville says. "i's all tree!" The Job Club at Douglas College will begin in September, with sessions running for three weeks. Additional sessions begin in October and November. For more information, or to set up an interview with Somerville, contact the Community Programs and Services office at Douglas College, 520-5473. NOTICE TO INSTRUCTORS In order to guarantee placement of items on reserve by September 2, 1986, please submit requests by August 20, 1986. Please also remember that if considering use of reprints on reserve, copyright clearance in writing should be obtained from the publisher. A copy of the letter will be kept on file in the library. Thank you. Pat Disher SECOND YEAR GENERAL NURSING COORDINATOR | am pleased to announce that Darlene EI Ichuck has been selected as Second Year General Nursing Coordinator effective September 1, 1986. This is for a three-year term. Joy Holmwood, Acting Director of Nursing UNIVERSITY TRANSFER TRACKING STUDY The attached study, covering all University Transfer students, will begin this September. Findings will be published from time to time. Gordon Gilgan