_ Statistics: Canada: “Services in=:*". -., British: Columbia: “and, Yukom:..-* >. pea (ere la “1145 Robson Street. Vancouver, Britistr Columbia: .. Pen Leleael ior Statistics Canada is the country’s largest producer and disseminator of statistical information, providing information on almost every type of economic and social activity in Canada. Much of the basic data collection work required to produce these figures is directed from the local Statistics Canada Regional Office. Also, through local Advisory Services staff. data are made available to the general public and to people in business, government. the news media, labour organizations and educational institutions. The Vancouver Regional Office of Statistics Canada provides British Columbia and Yukon with a variety of user services from its location at 1145 Robson Street. Many of these services are provided on a cost recovery basis and involve a nominal charge. All services are available in both official languages. DOUGLAS COLLEGE Inquiry Service oT enna © answer requests for statistical data by telephone, letter and from visitors ® provide a collection of all Statistics Canada's recent publications as well as certain historical ones for public reference ; ® provide tabulations of certain unpublished data and other selected government statistical publications for public reference ® provide visitors with study areas Professional Consultation Service ® assist both experienced and inexperienced users with data problems ® advise on arranging direct access to CANSIM, Statistics Canada’s machine-readable data base system * provide feedback to Statistics Canada on the statistical needs and problems of users Data Distribution and Promotion Services ® take orders for all Statistics Canada publications and related material such as Census maps and microfiche ® retrieve data directly from CANSIM ® provide public copying facilities for printed mate- rials and microfiche © arrange displays to promote the use of statistical data .- i Education Service ® provide booklets on finding and using statistics and distribute copies ‘of the Statistics Canada Catalo- gue of Publications @ hold workshops and seminars for users on subjects of special interest, on request ® visit educational institutions to speak on statistical subjects, on request ® arrange local training courses on statistical subjects, such as basic questionnaire design, and sampling techniques Collection Services arrange for the design, management and imple- mentation of surveys for governments. institutions and private agencies * advise on all aspects of information gathering How to Contact Statistics Canada In Vancouver you may contact Advisory Services by telephoning 666-3695 or by writing or visiting the Regional Office. If it should be inconvenient to contact the office, users are reminded that they may be able to refer to Statistics Canada publications at their local public library or an educational library in their area.