MOUELNS C LLEGS ‘ = & x i RCHIVES credit has not been earned, but he or she is eligible for advanced standing. Prerequisites should be stated in specific behavioural terms. The use of prerequisites to encourage only “sood", "dedicated", or "mature" students into a specific course or program is not tolerated. ADMISSION TO CLASS Admission to a course is hy a contract between the student and the College. The student may be an auditor or may be regularly enrolled. The instructor has no right to make a contractual relationship with the student by admitting him to a class if the Admissions Office, to which this function has been delegated, has not authorised the student to attend this class. The purpose here is not to ensure that the College gets its fee hut to ensure that those who have priority for admission to crowded ciasses are admitted rather than students who circumvent ..¢ corre: proc.dures and interfere with the rights of other studes s by jusi appearing for a class. pLeCHASE OF BOOKS All books purchased by the csllege will be purchaged through the Library. This ensur:. “hat th.» are catalogued and although they may be sent out on ao. sonth, jew bo) or one-year permanent distribution to a Bepartme: ihe | ‘edge that they are in the College will be available t anyone sno might want to use them. This ensures that we don't eng up with two copies of an obscure book. It also prevents the crowth ° Depart: atal collections of books which mean the estab- lishment ct ranch libraries with the consequent problems of control and the neei for additional staff. ¥.