YOUTH ORCHESTRA FUND-RAISING BALL As part of a furd-raising drive to aid the Vancouver Youth Orchestra, the Perents' Auxiliary of the Junior Symphony Society of Vancouver is sponsoring a pre-Lenten Fall, to be held at th Faculty Club of the University of British Colwibia on iriday, February 27th, 1976. Honorary patrons are Lieutensnt+ Governor Valter 5. Owen, %.C. and ‘irs. Ower. Tickets are ¥25.00 per couple. Dress is semi-formal. Cocktails available at 6:30 pom. Dinner served at 7:15 em. with dancing from 9 = 1:00 asm. iine and bar service available. liusic supplied by Tory Nickel's cuartet. Door prizes. #or reservations call: Junior Symphony Society office 876-1221, J. ueidt 985-6632, J. Mathieson 922-5213, U. westwick 261-733; evenings - 5. Farncombe 296-9280, b. Gray 253-0576. qzmemerpenmnsneenneaecsemorememnseees 12 se Se - SPORTS FEDERATION OF CANADA REQUIRES A DIRECTOR OF NON-RESIDENT SERVICES With special responsibilities to include: - assist in coordinating admin services. - preparation and editing of Non-Resident and other Federation publications, publicity and news releases. - development and maintenance of media relations and communications on Non-Residents and Federation activities. - promotion of developmental projects for Non-Resident and Federation activities initiated by the Resource and Development Officer. - increase the visibility of the Sports Federation through effective public relations programs on behalf of the Non-Residents and the Federation. Preference will be given to bilingual individuals with a public relations background and experience in sport and recreation administration. Salary commensurate with experience. DOUGLAS &: Applications should be forwarded by March 15, 1976 to: Executive Director, Sports-Federation of Canada, 333 River Road, Vanier, Ontario. ARCHIVES HMLEG REA LIBRARY